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The Similarity of the Needle Length Dynamics on an Annual Basis of Scots Pine Growth in Different Conditions

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O.N. Tyukavina, D.N. Klevtsov, N.A. Babich

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DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.1.73


The pine needle length is characterized by strong volatility due to various external and in-ternal factors. The needles are very responsive to the changes of environmental conditions, to any human impact. On the branches the needles have different length in dependence of the year. Moreover, the abnormally long and short needles are marked in different years. The coincidence of dynamics peaks of needle length does not depend on the forest type, age (for example, pine trees in the southern taiga subzone), stand density and drainage intensity (for example, drained shrub-sphagnum pine forests). Comparing our study data with the literature information we can state, that the dynamics of needle length according to years 82
is not dependent on growing conditions, area, and the researcher. The years of anomalously large needle length are in the analyzed series: 1963, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004; the years of abnormally low values of needle length are in the analyzed series: 1965, 1994, 1997, 2003, 2006. Consequently, a global factor, which is equivalent in the southern and northern taiga, which does not dependent on the climate indicators, age of crops, competition in it, affects on the abnormal needle length. That factor is the solar activity. To mitigate the effects of exposure of microclimatic and edaphic factors, the needle length index is calculated by the smoothing method using the 3–6 years (depending on the needle lifetime) average value. We carried out the sampling of average monthly values of solar activity, expressed by the Wolf number, for years with synchronous abnormally long and short needle length. A more complete understanding of the significance of the factors we observed in their analysis for 24 months: before and during the anomalistic years. The biggest difference between the in-dices of the Wolf numbers is typical for the period of formation of abnormal needle length, compared with a year preceding the needles development. During the development of ab-normally long needle length the Wolf numbers exceed the average value by 1.7 times; in the years of abnormally short needles the Wolf number is by 2–5 times lower than the average in the analyzed series. Consequently, the solar activity affects the growth of needles and causes the synchronization of peaks in the needle length dynamics.


O.N. Tyukavina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor D.N. Klevtsov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor N.A. Babich, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russian Federation; е-mail:,,


needle length, needle length index, Wolf number, solar activity, Scots pine

For citation

Tyukavina O.N., Klevtsov D.N., Babich N.A. The Similarity of the Needle Length Dynamics on an Annual Basis of Scots Pine Growth in Different Conditions. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 1, pp. 73–85. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.1.73


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Received on January 16, 2016

The Similarity of the Needle Length Dynamics on an Annual Basis of Scots Pine Growth in Different Conditions


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