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Geographic Variability of Siberian Stone Pine (Рinus sibiriсa Du Tour) at the Introduction

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V.A. Bryntsev, A.A. Kozhenkova

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The goal of research is the determination of the most promising areas-suppliers of seeds for the Moscow region on the basis of the study of seedlings and saplings of Siberian stone pine of different geographical origin. The research objectives are: to study the shoots of Siberian stone pine of different geographical origin and indicators of the 1- and 2-year-old seedlings; to explore the growth parameters of the 5- and 6-year-old seedlings of different climatypes in the school department; to conduct the correlation analysis between the indicators of ger-mination and features of the 5- and 6-year-old seedlings; to determine the best climatypes at the age of 6 years according to the complex of indicators. The objects of the study are the seedlings and saplings of Siberian stone pine of different geographical origin at the ages from 1 to 6. Seeds for the experience have been taken from the remains of the average seed samples of the zonal forest seed stations. Seedlings and saplings have been grown in a nursery forest of the Pravdinsk Forestry College, the Moscow region. In the study of the seed progeny of different origin we have revealed the increase of differences between the climatypes with age. The correlation analysis has shown a weak (0.01…0.39) relationship between the average number of cotyledons of seedlings of different climatypes and the aver-age growth indicators (height, diameter at the root collar) of seedlings and saplings at the ages from 1 to 6. We have calculated the generalized introduction (growth) success ratio of the test climatypes (according to the height and diameter), which has allowed identifying the most successful types. The best results on this age indicator have the 6-year-old plants of the following forest seed subareas: 20a (Krasnoyarsk Territory), 18a (Altai Territory), 21a (Krasnoyarsk Territory), 14a (Tyumen region), 16a (Novosibirsk region), 39и (Novosibirsk region), 8в (Tyumen region). Seedlings from the Krasnoyarsk (forest seed subareas 20a and 21a) and Altai (18a) Territories have the highest rates. Seeds of these forest seed subareas should have an advantage in the introduction of Siberian stone pine in the Moscow region.


V.A. Bryntsev1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor A.A. Kozhenkova2, Сandidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


1Moscow State Forest University, 1st Institutskaya ul., 1, Mytishchi-5, Moscow region, 141005, Russian Federation; e-mail:
2N.V. Tsytsin Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanicheskaya ul., 4, Moscow, 127276, Russian Federation; e-mail:


introduction, Siberian stone pine, geographic sowing, climatype

For citation

Bryntsev V.A., Kozhenkova A.A. Geographic Variation of Siberian Stone Pine (Рinus sibiriсa Du Tour) at the Introduction, Lesnoy zhurnal (Forestry journal), 2016, no. 6, pp. 89–97. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.6.89


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Received on June 07, 2016

Geographic Variability of Siberian Stone Pine (Рinus sibiriсa Du Tour) at the Introduction


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