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Operational Logistics Management of Transport Processes in Wood Harvesting Companies

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A.P. Sokolov

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Task of optimal vehicle routing definition is important for operational logistics management of wood harvesting companies. The most difficult to solve is the scheme “Many-to-many” but that it is now widely used at wood harvesting companies. The article provides an overview of approaches, methods and tools for solving the problem of synthesis of transport plans (delivery route). A hybrid approach based on a combination of linear programming and prohibition search method is the perspective assignment to solve this problem. This approach allows to solve the problem of transport operational planning, taking into account all the main features of this process. To the main features of this approach should be primarily belong its complexity, which is caused by the complexity of the problem itself. The quality of the final decision depends heavily on the possibilities for harmonizing the results of solving individual optimization problems. The main disadvantage of the approach is that the two main objectives of optimization tasks are different. 


  • A.P. Sokolov, Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor
    Petrozavodsk State University, Lenina, 33, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russia;


Petrozavodsk State University, Lenina, 33, Petrozavodsk, 185910, Russia


wood harvesting, logistics, motor transport, vehicle routing, mathematical programming


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Operational Logistics Management of Transport Processes in Wood Harvesting Companies


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