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Lignin-Polymeric Composites

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Yu. N. Sazanov
The material of the synthesis and use of polymer – lignin composites is represented. The first type includes polymer – analogous transformations which leads to the formation of different copolymers (co-condensate). To the second type one may attribute the reaction of modification of component interaction in which mainly take part the oligomeric compounds of one of reaction partner, as a result the functionality of one of components is changed and some rear cross-links forms, bringing to the fundamental property changes of initial reagents.
Yu. N. Sazanov, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor
Institute of Macromolecular Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences
Bol'shoy pr., 31, St. Petersburg, 199004, Russia;
е-mail: sazanov@hq.macro.ru |
Institute of Macromolecular Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywordslignin, synthetic polymer, polymer-analogous changes, modification, thermochemistry, thermal analysis.
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Lignin-Polymeric Composites
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