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Edging of Plywood by Cutting

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I.T. Glebov, V.V. Glebov

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Plywood is widely used in the national economy, however, it is no methods of cutting calculation and experimental research on edging of plywood by cutting, therefore, reception such information is relevant. The milling process of plywood edges can be considered as a process of cutting of wood fibres, veneer sheets and cutting process of glue film. When milling of plywood edges in the longitudinal layers the veneer is cut along fibres. The angle between the velocity vector of the main motion and the grain flow of the wood in this case is equal to zero degrees. In milling of veneer sheets of cross cut is with the angle of 90. Thus, resistance when plywood milling can be considered as the sum of the resistances to cutting of fibres of densified wood in the longitudinal and transverse layers and resistances to cutting of adhesive tapes. It is shown that the correction index, considering the change of a specific cutting force on the plywood density for longitudinal layers, is 1,2, and for cross-layer plywood is 1,21. The coefficient, considering the cutting of films binder, adopted equal 1,07...1,25 (for thin plywood should take a higher value of this ratio). Method of calculation on which for the given cutting is received estimate of the tangential force, has been proposed. Next to these cutting modes on experimental setup the experimental data for the tangential forces have been collected. Comparison of the calculated and experimental data allows to draw conclusion about a satisfactory convergence of the obtained data. The proposed calculation method can be recommended for the solution of practical problems.


I.T. Glebov, Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor, V.V. Glebov, Master
The Ural State Forest Engineering University
Sibirsky Trakt, 37, 620100, Yekaterinburg, Russia;


The Ural State Forest Engineering University


veneer edge, milling, chipping, longitudinal layers, transverse layers, cutting force


1. Glebov I.T. Rezanie drevesiny [Wood Cutting]. St. Petersburg, 2010. 256 p. 2. GOST 3916.1-96. Fanera obshchego naznacheniya s naruzhnymi sloyami iz shpona listvennykh porod. Tekhnicheskie usloviya [State Standard 3916.1-96. General-Duty Plywood with Periblast of Hardwoods Veneer. Technical Conditions]. 1999. 3. Ivanovskiy E.G. Rezanie drevesiny [Wood Cutting]. Moscow, 1974. 200 p.

Edging of Plywood by Cutting


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