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The Effect of Glass Fiber Critical Length on the Quality of Paper-Like Filter Materials

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N.V. Sysoeva, V.V. Kovalenko

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The influence of glass fiber critical length on the quality of paper-like filter was studied. The research aimed to determine the critical length after which we can see a decline in filtering and strength properties of paper-like material. Our objects of research were nano- and microthin glass fibers 0.1 and 0.25 µm in diameter respectively. These fibers were used to produce laboratory samples of filter material with the density of 100 g/m2. The fundamental properties of glass fibers were estimated by standard methods according to ISO. The structure quality of the samples obtained was controlled by up-to-date methods and instrumentation, such as PTA-Line formation module. The results of the research provide data on fundamental properties of glass fibers and their impact on the quality characteristics of paper-like materials. In addition, we analyzed differences in formation of sheet structure using nano- and microthin fibers. The fracture mechanism of paper-like filter materials based on glass fibers was determined. This mechanism indicates that when subjected to tensile stress, the fibers are pulled out of the structure but not destroyed. The critical length for micro- and nanothin glass fibers was found to be 1.2 mm. Higher values cause a decline in filtering and strength properties of paper-like material.


N.V. Sysoeva, Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor; V.V. Kovalenko, Teaching Assistant

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, 163002, Arkhangelsk, Russia.


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov


paper-like filter materials, glass fiber, glass fiber strength, critical length.


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The Effect of Glass Fiber Critical Length on the Quality of Paper-Like Filter Materials


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