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Features of Restoration of Coniferous-Broad-Leaved Forests. С. 133-146

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Savchenkova V.A., Vasilyev S.B., Nikitin V.F.

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The article is devoted to the problem of restoration of cut down forests in the forest area of coniferous-broad-leaved (mixed) forests of the centre of the European part of Russia. Due to the intensive use of forest resources, in order to rationally plan their restoration, there is a need for systematic assessment of the natural and artificial restoration of the main forest-forming species. For areas with a developed network of transport routes, the problem of deterioration of the species composition of forests, as well their qualitative condition as a result of prolonged and intensive forest exploitation is currently increasing. This has determined the purpose of the study, which has been carried out through a field survey of undergrowth and forest planations of forest-forming species according to the methodology by A.V. Pobedinsky and the standard methodology for undergrowth inventory. Young stands of natural (undergrowth) and artificial (created by planting) origin in coniferous-broad-leaved (mixed) forests of the European part of Russia after clear-cutting of trees have become the object of the study. An analysis of the structre of production and demand (according to the survey data) has shown that preference is given to harvesting birch (40 % of the volume cut down). The results of comparing the growth characteristics of the younger generation of tree species, taking into account the age and density of their growth, has allowed us to conclude that the undergrowth adapts easier and faster mainly to the growing conditions B4, B3, C3, C4, A4, A3, and occasionally B2, compared to forest plantations. In many cases, spruce plantations created by planting in the bottom of a furrow are completely destroyed (get soaked) or remain in a volume that does not provide satisfactory reforestation. Cases of exposure of the root system of spruce plantations at the age of 22, which have been created by planting in the dump, have been revealed. Based on experimental data, it has been established that productive young stands of natural origin are successfully formed in the forest area of coniferous-broadleaved (mixed) forests of the Yaroslavl, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod Regions. Criteria for the inventory of undergrowth and young growth of soft-wooded broad-leaved species have been proposed. Proposals have been developed to improve the efficiency of reforestation measures in forest-growing conditions corresponding to the A4, B4, C4, as well as in the A3, B3 and C3 conditions. The positive effect of raspberries on self-seeding of the main forest-forming species has been noted. The self-sown plants in such areas is 1.0–1.5 thousand pcs/ha.


Vera A. Savchenkova*, Doctor of Agriculture; ResearcherID: Y-3167-2019, ORCID:
Sergey B. Vasilyev, Candidate of Agriculture; ResearcherID: С-7390-2017, ORCID:
Vladimir F. Nikitin, Candidate of Agriculture; ORCID:


Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Mytishchi Branch), ul. 1-ya Institutskaya, 1, Mytishchi, Moscow Region, 141005, Russian Federation;*,,


undergrowth, underwood, forest plantations, natural young stands, reforestation, forest vegetation features, coniferous-broadleaved forests

For citation

Savchenkova V.A., Vasilyev S.B., Nikitin V.F. Features of Restoration of Coniferous-Broad-Leaved Forests. Lesnoy Zhurnal = Russian Forestry Journal, 2024, no. 6, pp. 133–146.


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Features of Restoration of Coniferous-Broad-Leaved Forests. С. 133-146


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