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Study of the Board Output from the Saws when Cant Sawing Parallel to Generatrix

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E.V. Mikryukova, A.S. Toropov, V.M. Pekmenov

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The paper proposes the method of cutting the sawlogs when cant sawing parallel to generatrix. Dull-edged timber is ripsawed into two parts after cutting, and each of the obtained three-side edged cants is sawn parallel to generatrix. Two methods of sawing are possible: with the production of cut sawn timber from the heart parts of a squared beam or wedge-shaped sawn timber. At the same time not only the volume, but also the quality output of sawn timber increases. With the help of the simulation model for comparison, the authors carry out experimental studies of the lumber yield when sawing parallel to generatrix and parallel to the longitudinal axis of the log. Dependences of the board output from the saws on the diameter, length and average taper are obtained. The ranges of variation of the diameter is from 28 to 36 cm, the length is from 4 to 6 m, the average taper is from 1.0 to 2.8 cm/m. The dependency graphs of the board output from the saws from the investigated factors are constructed. The greatest effect on the lumber yield is provided by taper. The diameter does not exert a strong influence on the board output from the saws when cant sawing parallel to generatrix in comparison with the sawing parallel to the longitudinal axis of the log; with a diameter greater than 32 cm, the lumber yield increases insignificantly. Compared with sawing parallel to the axis, the board output from the saws when sawing parallel to generatrix is 2...6 % higher. Increasing the length of the log reduces the lumber yield when cant sawing parallel to generatrix and the longitudinal axis. Low values of the average taper (1.0...1.3 cm/m) do not give advantages to both sawing methods. With an increase in the average taper to 2.8 cm/m, the lumber yield when sawing parallel to generatrix increases by 4...6 %. Cant sawing parallel to generatrix to produce wedge-shaped sawn timber in comparison with the production of cut sawn timber from the heart parts of a squared beam increases the board output from the saws by 1.0...1.5 %.


E.V. Mikryukova, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
A.S. Toropov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
V.M. Pekmenov, Graduate Student


Volga State University of Technology, pl. Lenina, 3, Yoshkar-Ola, Mari El Republic, 424000, Russian Federation; e-mail:


sawlog, squared beam, sawn timber, method of cutting parallel to generatrix, method of cutting parallel to the longitudinal axis, output of lumber

For citation

Mikryukova E.V., Toropov A.S., Pekmenov V.M. Study of the Board Output from the Saws when Cant Sawing Parallel to Generatrix. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2018, no. 3, pp. 117–126. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.3.117


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Received on December 15, 2017

Study of the Board Output from the Saws when Cant Sawing Parallel to Generatrix


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