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Electrical Energy Rationing of Transport Units in the Woodworking Industry

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S.P. Ageev

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Electrical energy rationing in woodworking enterprises is based in accordance with the de-composition of production into the items and processes by the output types, and individual sectors (units, shops, enterprises). We distinguish operational specific power requirements for items and total specific power requirements for separate industrial processes. The pur-pose of this article is to develop an approach to the operating quota setting of the specific energy consumption for underway operations of the woodworking industry: wood hauling, timber transporting from lumber yards to the shops, and technical operations servicing be-tween separate units. We investigate the energy properties of conveyor electric drives when the power waste and useful power consumption are determined by some loss factors and unit capacity. The analytical dependencies ? the energetic characteristics ? between power consumption, specific energy consumption and conveyor capacity are obtained. This method allows us to express the useful load on the unit through productivity ? an evaluating indica-tor of the results of the unit, site, and shop operation. The presence of energy characteristics helps to consider the issue of specific energy consumption scheduling for each type of tim-ber assortments and the production as a whole. The energy characteristic of power consumption of transport devices is linear; of the specific energy consumption is non-linear. The main technological factors and parameters of equipment and raw materials influencing on the specific energy consumption of conveyors are revealed.


S.P. Ageev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor


Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering,
2-ya Krasnoarmeyskaya ul., 4, Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russian Federation;


conveyer, performance, energetic characteristic, consumed power, specific ener-gy consumption, electric power waste, underway operation, woodworking industry.

For citation

Ageev S.P. Electrical Energy Rationing of Transport Units in the Woodwork-ing Industry. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 4, pp. 130–148. 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.4.130


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Received on December 26, 2016

Electrical Energy Rationing of Transport Units in the Woodworking Industry


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