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The Growth Course of Neva Poplar (Populus х newesis Bogd.) and Californian Poplar (Populus trichocarpa Torr. et Gray) in the European North of Russia

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N.A. Demidova, S.V. Yaroslavtsev, T.M. Durkina, I.V. Fedotov, A.S. Il'intsev

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Poplar is one of the most fast-growing species of the boreal and temperate climate zones; it is widely used for plantation cultivation worldwide. Poplar and aspen timber is a valuable raw material for the pulp and paper industry, furniture and plywood production. Poplar is used to restore the degraded lands, forest landscapes, and for the climate change mitigation. The study of the growth course of the introduced poplars, quantitative wood maturity deter-mination and a felling age of the poplar plantations in the European North of Russia is car-ried out for the first time. The growth course analysis of the model trees demonstrates the formation of the maximum increment in diameter at the age of 10…15 years; and then it begins to decrease. The intensive growth in height begins at age of 10 and lasts up to 20 years. The maximum height increment is 1.2…1.3 m per year. The current increment in vol-ume of the model poplar trees does not reach the maximum values to the age of 25 years. The age of quantitative maturity is a very important indicator for the development of the plantation forest growth and obtaining the maximum possible amount of raw material in the shortest cutting period. This indicator in the European North of Russia is observed at the studied poplars of 30…35 years. According to the results of the research of the poplar growth course we can conclude that Neva poplar represents the greatest interest for the plan-tation cultivation for the pulpwood production in the European North of Russia. It is charac-terized by a better growth in diameter, height and volume. Its yield at the age of 25 years is 349 m3 / ha, with an average annual growth rate of 13.9 m3 / ha. Californian poplar comes short of Neva poplar in a trunk volume, but it also can be used for a plantation growth. Fur-ther observation and study of poplar taxa, research and testing of Neva poplar in the treated plantations in various parts of the region should be conducted.


N.A. Demidova, Candidate of Biological Sciences S.V. Yaroslavtsev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor T.M. Durkina, Research Officer I.V. Fedotov, Research Assistant A.S. Il'intsev, Research Assistant


Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Nikitov str., 13, Arkhangelsk, 163051, Russian Federation; e-mail:


poplar, clone, plantation, growth course, mean and current increment, yield, quantitative maturity, European North of Russia.


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Received on April 14, 2015

The Growth Course of Neva Poplar (Populus х newesis Bogd.) and Californian Poplar (Populus trichocarpa Torr. et Gray) in the European North of Russia


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