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The Calculation Methodology of the Duration and Assessment of the Energy Requirement of the Stump-To-Roadside Equipment

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A.N. Zaikin, E.G. Ryzhikova

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The use of production capabilities of machines and equipment considerably depends on their correspondence of the design features and parameters to the particular natural production conditions. The correspondence of the parameters of the working process or machines connectivity is achieved with the help of technological calculations determining the optimum conditions of operation, which can be done by the mathematical models for the machines in the different conversion periods of the felling areas. The method of involving the additional equipment at the «lagging» operations is considered as the basic model of the logging process. We have obtained the analytical dependence of different operating periods of machines at the galls to calculate the operating periods of the logging process. Using this analytical dependence the mathematical model determining the total effective operating period of logging machines in the entire period of the felling area was derived. Also the mathematical models determining the energy requirement and specific energy consumption of machines for different logging at the different periods of time were determinated. The obtained mathematical models are implemented in the software module MPPles of the information system for the operational planning of the logging process. The computer experiment, simulating different variants of sets of the stump-to-roadside equipment based on the program of MPPles helped to ensure that the working process including additional equipment at the “lagging” operations allows to reduce the duration of the felling area and energy consumption up to 10…30 %.


A.N. Zaikin, Doctor of Engineering, Associate Professor E.G. Ryzhikova, Senior Lecturer


Bryansk State Academy of Engineering and Technology, Stanke ave., 3, Bryansk, 241037, Russia; е-mail:


logging process, logging operations, operational stock, operating period, energy consumption.


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The Calculation Methodology of the Duration and Assessment of the Energy Requirement of the Stump-To-Roadside Equipment


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