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Mathematical Modeling of Impregnation of Wood in Piezo Periodic Field

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O.A. Kunitskaya, S.S. Burmistrova, E.G. Khitrov, A.N. Minaev

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Nowadays much research has been done on the methods of wood modification aimed at obtaining new structural and protective materials which have better serviceability and technical and economic features of production in comparison with available materials of similar purposes. There are known methods for modifying wood, which allow replacing non-ferrous metals in friction couples and using modified wood-based materials for protection against neutron fluxes, etc. One of the most common ways of modifying wood along with compaction is impregnating by liquids with different properties. Equipment based on the piezo periodic filed effect for efficiency improvement of wood impregnation was created. The impregnation rate is higher in comparison with the other known methods since the samples are additionally exposed to pulse pressure intensification. The difference of parameters describing the filtration in wood capillaries and pores were not taken into account in previously developed mathematical models of operation of such equipment. The implementation of the developed mathematical model discovered that after 25 cycles of pressure increasing the sample will be impregnated by 25–30 cm depending on wood species. The process takes 60 seconds. This shows that the proposed designs of equipment for impregnation of wood with the use of water hammer as well as pressure – discharge – pressure principle exceed already known equipment. The results of the model implementation show that contributions of filtration in pores and capillaries are comparable. The filtration in pores is not as fast as in capillaries. We consider experiments aimed at obtaining additional data on wood permeability separately in pores and capillaries as a promising area for the further research. New experimental data will allow solving the issue of impregnation optimization in order to obtain uniformly impregnated samples in a minimum of treatment time.


O.A. Kunitskaya1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
S.S. Burmistrova2, External Postgraduate Student
E.G. Khitrov3, Associate Professor
A.N. Minaev3, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professior


1Yakut State Agricultural Academy, sh. Sergelyakhskoye 3 km., 3. Yakutsk, 677007, Russian Federation; 
2Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, ul. Timiryazeva, 8, Voronezh, 394087, Russian Federation; 
3Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University named after S.M. Kirov, pr. Institutskiy, 5, Saint-Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation; 


water hammer, impregnation of wood, capillary filling, model of pore space of wood

For citation

Kunitskaya O.A., Burmistrova, S.S., Khitrov E.G., Minaev A.N. Mathematical Modeling of Impregnation of Wood in Piezo Periodic Field. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Forestry Journal], 2018, no. 5, pp. 168–180. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2018.5.168


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Received on June 01, 2018

Mathematical Modeling of Impregnation of Wood in Piezo Periodic Field


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