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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Geobotanical Peculiarities and Productivity of the Fragmentary Elm Forests of Vologda Region

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A.P. Dobrynin, I.V. Evdokimov

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UDC 630*17:581.9/2.635.12




Two species of elm grow naturally in Vologda region: Ulmus laevis Pall. and U. glabra Huns., forming some hybrid forms. The northern boundary of these species distribution lies through the region in the direction Petrozavodsk – Vologda – Kirov – Yekaterinburg. Both Ulmus laevis and U. glabra are found in the floodplains of Sheksna, Mologa, Suda, Chago-doshcha, Sukhona, Vologda, Lezha and other rivers. Practically, the area of elm forests is vast; some sites in the form of small solid woods and fragments are not reflected in the doc-uments. The average age of stands is 100 years, the average site class is IV, the average stock is 105 m3/ha, the density is 0.60, and the mean annual increment is 1.4 m3/ha. Our investigations carried out in the four solid woods with a predominance (or considerable pro-portion) of elm in Vologda region revealed the species composition, stands structure, inven-tory indices, main types of forest, peculiarities of reforestation and alternation of tree spe-cies. The grass cover is formed by floodplain tallgrass; the undergrowth – by floodplain species of shrubs. Elm, alder, bird cherry and birch usually form the stands. Periodical spring floods hamper the natural regeneration of elm. The composition of undergrowth demonstrates the elm displacement by Alnus incana and A. glutinosa. Sometimes the under-growth is absent; and the elm solid woods can be lost in future.


A.P. Dobrynin1, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor I.V. Evdokimov2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


1Cherepovets State University, Lunacharskiy ave., 5, Cherepovets, Vologda Region, 162600, Russian Federation; е-mail:
2Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin, Mira str., 8, Molochnoe, Vologda Region, 160555, Russian Federation; е-mail:


floodplain plant community, elm forest, species composition, forest type, associ-ation, inventory index, reforestation.


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Received on April 20, 2015

Geobotanical Peculiarities and Productivity of the Fragmentary Elm Forests of Vologda Region


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