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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Female Reproductive Structure of Scots Pine Under the Influence of Degradation Forest Pathology Factors in the Plantations of the Bryansk Region

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G.A. Kisternyy

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The modern scientific literature gives little attention to the assessment of the female repro-ductive structure of Scots pine under the influence of degradation forest pathology factors. Morphological parameters, a fertile tier and a safety of Scots pine maсro strobili ovules at the program stage of reproduction under the action of the combination of forest pathology factors by the example of 7 sample plots with the average categories of sanitary state equal to 1.7…2.7 in the pine plantations of the Bryansk region are investigated. The most im-portant reason of degradation of pine forests is root fungus. Since 2011 the fox-coloured sawfly centers have been extended on the territory of the Bryansk region. The intensity of tree crown browsing on the sample plots in spring of 2012 was 25…100 % excepting of control. By the example of trees of the second and third categories of sanitary state the low-ered rates of female reproduction in the degraded plantations of Scots pine being in the state of uncritical degradation are stated. The volume of a maсro strobili fertile tier in the sample plots varied in the range from 29.9…45.3 pcs, and the total safety of ovules – from 36.8…61.3 %. A positive correlation of the safety of ovules in the first and second growing seasons was observed. The lowest reproduction parameters were marked in the current root fungus center combined with partial (up to 50 %) defoliation of tree crowns. Damage of the growing maсro strobili by the fox-coloured sawfly was on the insignificant level (1…2 %). The indicator of plantation sanitary state was used to assess the quality of female reproduc-tion of Scots pine as the processes of maсro strobili and ovules formation weaken in case of strong defoliation of model trees crowns, allocated by the features of weakening. Only the weak tendencies of feedback between the categories of sanitary state and reproduction of model trees in the sample plots were stated. Despite the decline in the safety of ovules, for-est pathology factors in the studied variants of combination and intensity have not affected appreciably on the processes occurring in the female reproductive structure of Scots pine. The necessary prerequisites for the further development of the reproductive process are re-tained in the weakened plantations of Scots pine.


G.A. Kisternyy, Сandidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


Bryansk State Engineering Technological Academy, Stanke Dimitrov ave., 3, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation; е-mail:


Scots Pine, plantation, forest pathology factor, female reproduction, fertility tier, safety of ovules, variability.


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Received on June 16, 2015

Female Reproductive Structure of Scots Pine Under the Influence of Degradation Forest Pathology Factors in the Plantations of the Bryansk Region


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