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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Larch Seeds Qualities in Zabaikalsky Krai

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V.P. Makarov

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DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2016.1.66


As a result of climatic change in Zabaikalsky Krai in the last decade the impact of fires on forest ecosystems has been increased. Large areas, especially of the larch forests require reforestation. The reliable information about the quality of seeds of tree species is important for the cultivation of planting material, artificial reforestation after fires and other anthropo-genic impacts. To investigate the quality of larch seeds the data for germinating power, la-boratory germination and weight of 1000 seeds were summarized. The Chita forest seed station in the period from 1973 to 2013 obtained the information. The forestry of Za-baikalsky Krai with high larch seeds quality in three seed plantations are established. It was found that Dahurian larch seeds of Chita forestry have the highest germination energy (61 %). Seeds of Baley, Mogochinsk, Nerchinsk and Shilkinsk forest areas also have high germination energy (50 % and more). The seeds of the most forestries of Transbaikalia be-long to the 1st class of quality. Chekanovsky larch in the Kyrinsk forestry and Dahurian larch in the Chita and Alexandrov-Zavodskoy forestry are characterized by larger seeds. The levels of variation of larch seeds qualities are established. Germinating power and germinat-ing ability of larch in the most forest areas are characterized by high levels of variation (26...35 and 36...50 % respectively). Weight of 1000 seeds of larch is characterized in most forest areas by low level of variation. The study results will be useful for improving the cul-tivation of planting material in the forest nurseries of Zabaikalsky Krai according to the seed zoning.


V.P. Makarov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer


Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Сryology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nedorezov st., 16A, Chita, Zabaikalsky Krai, 672014, Russian Fed-eration; е-mail:


larch, forestry, Zabaikalsky Krai, seeds quality, variability.


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Received on December 15, 2014

Larch Seeds Qualities in Zabaikalsky Krai


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