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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Commodity Norm for Evaluation of Larch Stands in the Arkhangelsk Region by the Method of Relascop Spots

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S.V. Tretjakov, S.V. Koptev, A.P. Bogdanov

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Forests management valuation, national forest inventory, other forest measurements and experimental work are increasingly being used the remote methods of the taxation parame-ters determining in their arsenal. These methods significantly reduce labor costs and time, allow the use the modern technologies, tools and devices. One of the most popular methods has recently become the method of circular relascope sites. It allows to determine the sum of the tree squares with high accuracy without the need for trees thickness measuring in terms of 1 hectare. The growing stock is obtained by the use of logical relations of tree squares sum with the tree form, characterized in tree form parameter and average height. Growing stock is divided into business and the firewood parts. The accuracy of the stock distribution on assortments or size categories depends entirely on taxation norms by which this distribu-tion is performed. The difference in the definition of separate assortments (size category) for different heights is up to 5%. Therefore, we propose to introduce in the norms, in addition to the average diameter the additional parameter - the average height. The proposed norms is constructed on the basis of regional assortment tables and business trees distributions on thickness. This will significantly improve the accuracy of larch stands valuation by relascope circular sites. The table is offered to use in practical valuation at forest fund prepa-ration as for predictions, and to assess the marketability of separate forest stands in the North-Eastern forest region.


S.V. Tretjakov, Doctor of Agriculture, Associate Professor S.V. Koptev, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor A.P. Bogdanov, Postgraduate Student


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia; е-mail:


commodity table, assortments, distribution series, circular relascope sites, forests valuation, larch stands.


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Commodity Norm for Evaluation of Larch Stands in the Arkhangelsk Region by the Method of Relascop Spots


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