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Solvolysis of Technical Lignin in Water and Alcohol Solutions of Sodium Hydroxide

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E.V. Ipatova, S.M. Krutov, I.V. Gribkov, Iu.N. Sazanov

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Hydrolysis lignin represents particular interest as a promising feedstock for the production of aromatic compounds for further organic synthesis. One of the lignin depolymerisation methods is its degradation with bases under appropriate conditions. This work is devoted to research the solvolysis of hydrolysis lignin in sodium hydroxide solution in different condi-tions. For research hydrolysis lignin was taken from Kirov Biochemical Plant. Air-dried lignin was sieved (~0.25 mm) and was grinded by a rotary-vortex mill (~5mkm). The influ-ence of solvolysis conditions of technical hydrolysis lignin on the degradation extent was defined: alkali concentration (2-10%), duration of treatments (0,5-2,5h), hydromodule (1:10?1:25), temperature (100-240°С) in aqueous and alcoholic solutions. To estimate the depth of lignin fragmentation degree in aqueous and alcohol environments lignin degrada-tion products were analyzed by size-exclusion chromatography. The results showed that with increasing of treatment temperature increases content of low molecular weight com-pounds (oligomers). For structural changing determination of lignin samples during solvoly-sis process lignin degradation products were analyzed by solid state 13С nuclear magnetic resonance. Quantitative ratio of «СAr-O», «СAr-C», «СAr-H» clusters in initial hydrolysis lignin and lignin degradation products were defined in treatments at 200°C and 220°C. Amount increasing of carbon-carbon bonds in lignin with the increasing treatments temperature was shown. The studies found that most degree of hydrolysis lignin destruction achieved by us ing the following conditions: 5% NaOH, with a 2h treatments time, hydromodule 1?20. Increasing of degradation degree was shown in the temperature range 180-240°C, the dissolution degree of lignin reached to 99%. In these conditions the degradation process of studied lignin samples was faster with an alcohol solution of sodium hydroxide comparatively with an aqueous solution.


E.V. Ipatova1, Postgraduate Student S.M. Krutov1, Candidate of Chemistry, Professor I.V. Gribkov2, Candidate of Chemistry, Director Iu.N. Sazanov3, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor


per., 5, Saint-Petersburg, 194021, Russia; e-mail:  2GCE Ecology, Bukharestskaya, 6, Saint-Petersburg, 192102, Russia;  e-mail: 3Institute of Macromolecular Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences, Bol'shoy pr., 31, Saint-Petersburg, 199004, Russia; e-mail:


hydrolysis lignin, lignin degradation


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Solvolysis of Technical Lignin in Water and Alcohol Solutions of Sodium Hydroxide


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