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Lesnoy Zhurnal

The Features of Fiber Suspension Beating Process under the Conditions of Its Filling by Synthetic Superfine Compounds in Weakly Alkaline Medium

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Т.О. Shcherbakova, N.V. Chernaya

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The beating process of fibrous raw material is one of the most important and energy-consuming technological processes in the pulp and paper industry. The conditions of beating process determine the basic physical and mechanical quality of paper products. The purpose of the work was to study the features of beating process of fiber suspension, filled in a weakly alkaline medium by highly dispersed compounds BaSO4, BaSO3, СaSO3 and СaSO4.  They were obtained in the fiber suspension by sequential adding of 10 % suspensions of the first component (Ba(OH)2 or Ca(OH)2), and of 10 % solutions of the second component  (Na2SO4, Na2SO3 or Na2CO3). Uniformly distributed in the inter-fiber space these solutions penetrate into the fiber lumens and form superfine compounds BaSO4, BaSO3, СaSO3 and  СaSO4, that allow to change the traditional mode of homocoagulation filling into the more effective mode of heteroadagulation while penetration. We propose the conditions of the paper mass filling by the synthetic superfine compounds in a weakly alkaline medium that  allow to obtain a uniform highly dispersed particles of the internal phase of the filling sub-stance, but also increase the retention rate of filler in the paper structure from 60 % up to 99 %, reduce the fibrillation period and save the fiber length (0,811 mm). As a result the  authors got the improved indicators of paper quality and reduced the traditionally non-recoverable losses of fillers with water register at the stage of paper structure formation on a wire table of a paper machine. Based on the results of the research the parameters of the beating process are identified for the best physical and mechanical properties of paper quality while energy usage reducing by 7–10 %.


Т.О. Shcherbakova, Postgraduate Student N.V. Chernaya, Doctor of Engineering, Professor


Belarusian State Technological University, str. Sverdlova, 13а, Minsk, 220006, Republic Belarus; е-mail:


superfine compounds, weakly alkaline medium, beating, beating rate, beating period, weighted average fiber length, paper, retention rate of filler, breaking length, white-ness.


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The Features of Fiber Suspension Beating Process under the Conditions of Its Filling by Synthetic Superfine Compounds in Weakly Alkaline Medium


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