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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Experimental Study Of Strength And Deformability Of Combined Metalwooden Arch Structure

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V.V. Stoyanov, А.А. Boyadzhi

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Problem of increasing road capacity in the big cities is becoming more acute due to their increasing workload. It can also been solved by using elevated pedestrian crossings. Department of metal, wood and plastic constructions Odessa State Academy of Construction and Architecture studies the elevated pedestrian crossings (12-24 m opening). The arch structure, in which the arch and suspension are metal and toke is wooden laminated beam was considered in this paper version. The purpose is to design the optimal structure (in terms of its carrying capacity and material savings) to do an experimental investigation of its stress-strain state and compare it with the calculated results. The opening, cross-section of laminated wooden beam and the number of suspensions were taken as input designing parameters of the test model. In a first approximation, the rated load considered as given by specifications. The rest of the design parameters - height and cross section of the arch, the location and the cross section of suspensions and ultimate bearing capacity were determined by numerical linear calculation by LIRA 9.6 based on the criterion of optimality (the best is that variant for which at rated load and minimum cross section sizes, the stresses of structural elements (arch, beam and suspensions) are close to permitted). The geometric and strength parameters of the structure varied when calculating. For each of the combinations of variable parameters defined maximum stresses in each of the structural elements (arch, beam, suspension) and load factor. For each cross-section of the arch and suspensions stood the variant of the construction with the geometrical parameters, in which the bearing capacity has the greatest ability. The special stand for tests was designed and manufactured. It provides modeling equipartition loading of construction. The tests revealed that the bearing capacity of an arch structure, designed in accordance with the criteria of optimality 36% higher than calculated in the LIRA and 2% higher than obtained in the calculation in the software package that takes into account geometrical and physical nonlinearity. Studies have shown that the process of designing adopted and the optimality criterion proposed can be used in the practice of designing such structures.


V.V. Stoyanov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor А.А. Boyadzhi, Postgraduate Student


Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Didrihsona, 4, Odessa, 65029, Ukraine; e-mail:


arch structures of metal and wood, strength, deformability


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Experimental Study Of Strength And Deformability Of Combined Metalwooden Arch Structure


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