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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Experimental Determination of the Impact Pressing Pressure of Wood Pellet on the Young's Modulus

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O.D. Myuller, V.I. Melehov, G.L. Gerasimchuk, N.M. Klyushin, T.V. Tyurikova

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In a number of works on analytical definition of mathematical model of pressing process of a wood pellet in cylindrical channels of a matrix it is shown that on the size of final density and, respectively, quality of the pressed pellet has essential impact the Young's modulus of the pressed wood pellets. In references there are limited data on the Young's modulus for the impregnated gluing material of the crushed wood particles which are used for production of wood-shaving and fiber boards. At the same time there are no reliable data about the Young's modulus for the pressed wood sawdust without the gluing material. For completion of data on the Young's modulus for the pressed wood furnace charge experimental installation on the basis of a manual press was created. For the basic scheme of carrying out experiments the scheme of a wood granule compression in single cylindrical the matrix die was chosen. Techniques on carrying out experiences and processing of experimental data were developed. Experimental measurements of the Young's modulus for wood furnace charge were executed from a birch, a fir-tree and a pine of three fractional structures at change of pressure of furnace charge pressing from 10 to 60 MPa. Processing of results of pilot studies showed: the Young's modulus of wood pellets linearly grows with increase in pressure of pressing; breed of wood of which wood furnace charge is made, has essential impact on the Young's modulus of the pressed pellet, the density of wood of whichfurnace charge is made is less, the Young's modulus of the pellet pressed from is lower; influence of fractional composition of furnace charge on the Young's modulus has the return character – the smaller fractional structure, the Young's modulus of the pressed pellet is higher; if for whole wood Young's modulus on compression is in limits of 12 GPa for longitudinal compression and about 2 GPa at cross compression, in the pressed whole wood furnace charge with working pressure in the press granulator hesitates ranging from 600 MPa to 2000 MPa, that is it is less, than at whole wood at cross compression.


O.D. Myuller, Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor V.I. Melehov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor G.L. Gerasimchuk, Postgraduate Student N.M. Klyushin, Senior Lecturer T.V. Tyurikova, Postgraduate Student


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, 163002 Arkhangelsk, Russia; e-mail:


wood waste, sawdust, Young's modulus, the pressing pressure, wood pellets, pelleting press, the matrix, die.


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Experimental Determination of the Impact Pressing Pressure of Wood Pellet on the Young's Modulus


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