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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Impact Assessment of Modified Lignosulfonate for the Vegetation of Weeds and Picea abies Seedlings in Forest Tree Nurseries

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S.N. Marich, N.A. Babich, I.M. Babkin, Yu.G. Habarov

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As an analogue to already existing herbicides, we propose the use of technical lignosul-fonates, which are salts of lignosulfonic acids, a byproduct from wood pulp production us-ing sulfite pulping. Unlike other technical lignins, lignosulfonates are well soluble in water, which determines their wide range of use, including as an environmentally safe analog to herbicides.Field experiment were preceded by laboratory tests conducted to evaluate the impact of lignosulfonates on seed germination of Picea abies (L.) Karst, as well as to deter-mine the optimal concentration of the most effective weed suppressive types of lignosul-fonates. After preliminary tests of various types of lignosulfonate, three of them were used for further experiments: nitrosatet technical lignosulfonate, chlorinated technical lignosul-fonate, and nitrated technical lignosulfonate (10 % concentration). The field experiments were carried out in the Kadnikov forest nursery (Vologda region). Control areas were hand-weeded, processed with the herbicides «Roundup» or «Zelek».Two- and three-year old seedlings of Picea abies in the nursery at the control areas had as shoot-root ratio of 2,4:1 and 3,7:1 respectively. Using lignosulfonates gave similar results. The use of conventional herbicides gave more effect; in the case of «Zelek» it was 2,6:1 and 4,3:1. Evaluating the results, we revealed an optimal concentration for the most suitable lignosulfonate, with a limited impact on the seedlings, but having a great effect on the weeds – chlorinated tech-nical lignosulfonate at a concentration of 10%.


S.N. Marich, Magistracy Student N.A. Babich, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor I.M. Babkin, Candidate of Chemistry Yu.G. Habarov, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia; e-mail:


technical lignins, herbicide, weeds, forest nursery.


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Impact Assessment of Modified Lignosulfonate for the Vegetation of Weeds and Picea abies Seedlings in Forest Tree Nurseries


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