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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Influence of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Seed Germination and Growth of Seedlings of Scots Pine and Norway Spruce

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A.I. Smirnov, F.S. Orlov, I.I. Drozdov

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Studying results of influence of a low-frequency electromagnetic field on increase of seeds sowing qualities of a Scots pine and Norway Spruce and acceleration of growth processes of cultivation seedlings of the first year are given in work. Researches were carried out in la-boratory and field conditions. For laboratory experiments seeds of the 3rd class of quality, and for field, the 2nd class of quality were taken. Before the crop seeds of a pine and spruce were processed by a low-frequency electromagnetic stimulator "Rost-activ" with a frequen-cy of 8-16 Hz, time of an exposition of 11 minutes. Seeds were couched in Petri's cups in the thermostat at a temperature of 240 ?С within 15 days, used the distilled water. Energy of seed germination was defined for a pine – on the 7th day, for a spruce – on the 10th. On the 15th day laboratory viability for seeds of these breeds was defined. At the same time was measured length of seedlings. Experience was put in three replications. For the confirmation of the results, received in vitro in the middle of May, 2013 in Kalinin nursery of "LPTs Tverles" (Tver region), expert crop of seeds of a Scots pine and Norway Spruce was execut-ed, processed by a low-frequency electromagnetic stimulator "Rost-activ". Crops were car-ried out manually according to the 5-lower case scheme. The norm of seeding was chosen 2 g on running meter. Extent of skilled and control options for each breed was made 20 m of a sowing ridge. Experience was put in five replications. Results of laboratory experiments testify that processing of seeds by a low-frequency electromagnetic field promoted the in-crease of their viability in comparison with control on 38 % (pine) and 30 % (spruce). Line-ar parameters of seedlings significantly exceeded control values. In Kalinin forest nursery at the end of a season the accounting of 1-year seedlings on expert and control sites of crops was carried out. The accounting of seedlings of a pine showed that on a expert site 37 % more seedlings in comparison with control option are received. In experience with a spruce distinction in comparison with control made 32 %. Length of the roots of expert plants of a pine was more in comparison with control for 27 %. Height increased by 23% that was re-flected in biomass of plants which was more control for 12%. At spruce seedlings length of roots of expert plants was 16 % more in comparison with control, and height increased by 26 %. Thus the mass of expert plants was more control more than twice due to the best acer-ouse leaves. On the basis of results of the executed researches it is possible to draw a con-clusion that processing of seeds of a Scots pine and Norway Spruce by a low-frequency electromagnetic field positively influences not only their laboratory and soil viability, but also on growth of seedlings. Further supervision over growth of seedlings, for the second year of cultivation, will allow to draw final conclusions on possibility of use of the studied method in technology of cultivation of seedlings of a pine and spruce for the purpose of re-ceiving bigger quantity of standard seedlings from unit of area of forest nurseries.


A.I. Smirnov1, the General Director F.S. Orlov1, Assistant Director I.I. Drozdov2, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor


1Society with Limited Liability “Raznoservis”, Likhov per., 10, Moscow, 127051, Russia; e-mail:  2Moscow State Forest University, Institutskaya, 1, Mytischi, Moscow Region, 141005, Russia; e-mail:


low-frequency electromagnetic field, seeds germination, seedlings growth, pine, spruce.


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Influence of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Seed Germination and Growth of Seedlings of Scots Pine and Norway Spruce


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