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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Recreational Use Prospects of Urban Forests on Residential Area in Bratsk

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E.M. Runova, P.S. Gnatkovich

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Organization of recreational areas within residential areas of cities has great importance to improve the comfort of living in human adverse climatic and environmental conditions of large industrial cities of the Siberia. One of the promising directions in this field is the development of recreational woodland residential areas. Urban forests execute not only rec-reational functions, but also health, obtained paramount importance in the context of ecolog-ical trouble of Bratsk. The aim of the work was to study the potential health and recreational green areas of natural origin, for evidence-based organization of urban forests. Studies were conducted in the large forests, located in different residential areas of Bratsk. Recreation assessment of natural stands, was carried out by methods of landscape inventory. Forest stand evaluation was carried out on the test stand areas. A total of 750 trees were examined. The basic inventory indicators of stand were obtained. The types of spatial structure of for-est landscapes were determined. Aesthetic characteristics of forest landscapes was received. Sanitary assessment of stands was conducted. Forest pathology characteristic of plantations was given. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the forests, located in residential areas of Bratsk and close to its borders, have high recreational and health potential and can be used for the organization of urban forests.


E.M. Runova, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor P.S. Gnatkovich, Postgraduate Student


Bratsk State University, Makarenko, 40, Bratsk, 665709, Russia; e-mail:


urban forest, forestland, recreational function of plantation, recreation assess-ment of forest, landscape valuation.


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Recreational Use Prospects of Urban Forests on Residential Area in Bratsk


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