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Lesnoy Zhurnal

The Growth of Pinus Sibirica du Tour in Croppers and in Overstorey of Mixed Pine-Birch Forests of Subtaiga Zone in the West Sayan

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N.Yu. Stashkevich

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The state estimation of Siberian pine saplings in subtaiga zone of the West Sayan piedmonts and their comparison with Sibеrian pine undergrowth on the adjacent lot of young mixed pine-birch and bracken-various grass forest show the necessity and the expediency of silvi-cultural actions in this zone. Sibеrian pine undergrowth of 15 years old is lower than con-temporary artificial stands (1,1 m against to 2,6 m). It is characterized by less annual growths (3,9 cm against to 27,6 cm) and rare needle coating. According to forest inventory data the quantity of Pinus sibirica regeneration in mixed pine-deciduous forests varies with-in the limits of 300-850 examples/ha, with 1000-1500 examples/ha on some lots in subtaiga zone. Periodic ground fires, destroying Sibеrian pine undergrowth, Scotch pine and birch competition as well as unauthorized fellings and the absent maintenance of artificial stands counteract the successful extension of Siberian pine areal in subtaiga zone. Realization of young growth maintenance, fire prevention as well as organization of forest cultures planta-tions and their further supporting are required to assist the spreading of Siberian pine in sub-taiga zone.


N.Yu. Stashkevich, Postgraduate Student


V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Siences, Akademgorodok, 50/28, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia; e-mail:


Siberian pine, subtaiga zone, artificial stands, natural regeneration.


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The Growth of Pinus Sibirica du Tour in Croppers and in Overstorey of Mixed Pine-Birch Forests of Subtaiga Zone in the West Sayan


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