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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Iron in the Surface and Ground Waters

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V.V. Polyakova

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Iron is an microelement, involved in the process of photosynthesis. Its scarcity or excess affects negatively on plants growth. High content of bivalent ferrous oxide in ground water can exert the clogging of drain lines on drain territories by ferrous precipitation, that nega-tively affect on hydrologic conditions of plants growth. There is observed abundant red fer-ruginous sediment in open channels in the park of the Forestry University. In groundwater general and bivalent iron more than in pond water. Ground stream get through mineral and species, contained iron, that import iron in water, and pond water is with an atmospheric condensation. In groundwater, located close to the surface of the earth, bivalent iron is more, than in water at a greater depth. There is seasonal dynamics of bivalent iron in groundwater. The concentration of bivalent iron in groundwater is optimal for normal growth and devel-opment of plants. By the end of vegetation period occurred silting of drainage pipes by 40 %. This violates the hydrological conditions of growth and development of plants.


V.V. Polyakova, Postgraduate Student


Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University named under S.M. Kirov, Institutskiy per., 5, Saint-Petersburg, 19402, Russia; е-mail:


general iron, bivalent iron, underground water, park of Forestry University.


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Iron in the Surface and Ground Waters


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