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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Reproductive Features of Norway Spruce in Geographical Cultures of the Arkhangelsk Region

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I.A. Yudin, O.A. Yudina, E.N. Nakvasina

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Great opportunities for studying of spruce variability open geographical cultures, which presents the offspring of geographical races of two species of spruce and their introaggres-sive hybrids. The results give an opportunity to clarify the species belonging climatypes, factors of influence of genetics parent provenances on the parameters and the form of cones. The purpose of the study - to identify patterns of population, species and geographic varia-tion in size of spruce cones of different species and geographic races when it is grown in geographical cultures embodied in 1977 in the Plesetsk forestry of the Arkhangelsk region. Climatypes of 28 geographical areas of habitats of upgrowth of european spruce, siberian spruce and their introgressive hybridization zone in the European part of Russia, from the northern to the southern taiga subzone and the subzone of mixed northern hardwood forest, from the Baltic to the Urals, were studied. Spruce has entered into reproduction, which gives the opportunity to explore simultaneously yield of cones on spruce species from different geographic areas, resulting in the same climatic conditions. Collection of material for re-search, cones, was held in late October - early November 2012. When collecting cones yield, damage of pests or diseases, cones parameters (weight, length, width) were deter-mined. Poor yield of cones by Siberian spruce and average by European spruce were marked (on eye-measured scale of Capper). From 10 to 40% of cones of different spruce origin was marked defect of pests or diseases. Studies have shown that interspecific variability in the cones parameters is continued. Smaller cones have climatypes of Siberian spruce compared with European spruce and hybrid forms. They also have the greatest range in variability in the length and width of the cones. The biggest cones – is at the spruce from southern re-gions, hybrid forms occupy an intermediate position. There is a distinct tendency of increas-ing of the cones mass, length and width of Siberian spruce to European spruce. The differ-ence between the two species in cones size and weight is proved to 95% significance level. Two species of spruce have significant differences in all cones parameters. Between spruce introgression hybrids indicators are close enough and have no significant differences in the size and mass of cones. Species differences in cones form coefficient are smoothed. Weight and sizes of the cones have meaningful and significant correlation with the eastern longitude (correlation coefficient from -0.661 to -0.457), but weak on the northern latitude of harvest-ing seeds locations (from -0.075 to -0.169). Cones size and weight connection with climatic parameters in the locations of the parent plants is below the significance level and is unreli-able. This may be due to the diversity of species and migration ways of Siberian spruce and European on the European North after the Valdai glaciation. Thus, it has been found that, under identical conditions of growth in one year reproduction the hereditary species, popula-tion and geographical variability is retained. Studying of the cones size and weight in 27 spruce climatypes in geographical cultures of the Arkhangelsk region, represented by Sibe-rian spruce, European spruce and their introgression hybrids, showed, when moving to other conditions they have retained the genetic memory of the formation of the reproductive or-gans, regardless of distance of seeds transfer.


I.A. Yudin1,2, Postgraduate Student, Afforestation Inspector O.A. Yudina1, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor E.N. Nakvasina1, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor


1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia; e-mail:   2FSUE «Roslesinforg» Arkhangelsk Branch, Nikitova, 13, Arkhangelsk, 163062 Russia; e-mail:


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Reproductive Features of Norway Spruce in Geographical Cultures of the Arkhangelsk Region


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