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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Calculation of Total Sawdust Volume After a Log Sawing

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I. V. Arhipov, V.A. Kuznetsov

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Rational use of nature resources is important factor of economic success of modern enter-prises. Substantially it belongs to the sawing enterprises, the most characteristic for timber industry complexof Russia. The aim of the sawing process consists in processing round wood into sawn lumber, as well as technological wood chips. By optimization of wood saw-ing it is necessary to consider all products of sawmilling, including technological chip and sawdust. In work problems of calculation of sawdust volume during the log sawing were defined, in a case when the log is modeled in the form of the cylinder, the truncated cone and a rotation paraboloid. For their solution it was used methods of the mathematical analy-sis and analytical geometry which were implemented in the form of the special program module. As a way of a log sawing in models were considered split-method, and also brick and split-method, that meets requirements of all modern lines of sawmilling. Also various thickness is considered during sawing at the first and at the second pass at log sawing. It should be noted that in spite of the fact that the log model in the form of a rotation parabo-loid is more difficult and more exact, than in the form of the truncated cone, a formula for calculation of volume of saw dust turned out simpler that is important as calculation of saw-dust volume is carried out for everyone a sawing schedule in the sawing schedule generator. The received calculations are used in system of planning of sawing production, as model the model in the form of a rotation paraboloid was chosen. Formulas yield more exact result for calculation of sawdust volume in comparison with used at the enterprise which error of cal-culation makes more 1-2%.


I. V. Arhipov, Master 
V.A. Kuznetsov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor


Petrozavodsk State University, Lenina, 33, Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, , 185910, Russia; е-mail:; е-mail:


log sawing, amount of dust, optimization, paraboloid of revolution, calculations of integrals.


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Calculation of Total Sawdust Volume After a Log Sawing


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