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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Mathematical Model of Wood Granules Formation

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O.D. Myuller, V.I. Melekhov, V.K. Lyubov, T.V. Tyurikova

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Production of biofuel from waste of processing of wood in recent years gains the increasing scope. Despite all extending production of wood granules, there are unresolved questions of influence of separate parameters of process of wood granules pressing on their quality. One of the key parameters, defining the quality of wood granules pressing pressure is. Available theoretical models of processes of a granulation show that the developed pressure of press-ing is exponential dependence on relative length of die hole in a matrix. The conducted pilot researches have shown that this dependence carries not exponential dependence on relative length of die hole, but linear. Development of such mathematical model of a wood granule pressing in cylindrical die holes of a matrix which would correspond to pilot studies, was the purpose of the real work. All stages of physical process of pressing were analyzed. On the basis of this analysis it was revealed that in the course of pressing wood furnace charge undergoes elastic and plastic deformations. Proceeding from it when developing new math-ematical model of process of wood granules pressing the theory of elasto-plastic defor-mation of continuous solid was assumed as a basis. On the basis of this theory two stages of a wood granule pressing – process of expression of a wood granule through a conic opening to the cylindrical canal of a matrix and process of movement of a granule on the cylindrical canal of a matrix are considered. The executed mathematical researches allowed to receive dependence of pressure difference on granule length in conic and cylindrical canals of a die hole in matrix and on all die hole as a whole. The received new mathematical model of pro-cess of wood granules pressing has shown that pressure difference in channels of a matrix is directly proportional to their relative length, that completely corresponds to experimental data.


O.D. Myuller, Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor 
V.I. Melekhov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor 
V.K. Lyubov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor 
T.V. Tyurikova, Postgvaduate Student


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia; е-mail:


wood wastes, sawdust, a wood charge, a press-granulator, a matrix, a die hole, wood combustive granules, pellets, biofuel, pressure.


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Mathematical Model of Wood Granules Formation


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