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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Application Technology of Rigid Floating Container for Timber Transportation

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C.V. Samsonov, V.A. Barabanov, S.S. Gavrushin

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Timber (logs) transportation in rigid floating containers has a number of advantages: no loss of wood from sinkage, water pollution substances extracted from the wood, single transport packet and increases carrying capacity. Collapsible ship consists of a chain of containers, fore and aft. In the upper reaches of the river created a reserve of containers loaded with wood. The ship goes up the river with the national economic bulks. In reloading starting station replacing of containers is derived. The ship rides on the feeder to the great river, where produces an reload on the diesel-propelled ship, and the collapsible ship back up with new containers, making shuttle trips. The article presents the loading and unloading of col-lapsible ship. The technology of containers transportation on ice or snow roads in the cold season is proposed. Convoy from the containers is tug by a tractor. This technology allows to execute the unloading of ships in the Arctic using the glacial fast ice. Tractor can be re-placed by winch with a sufficient length of rope and gain. Floating containers may be formed in the raft with bundles of wood, where the containers are placed at the edges of the raft (the sides, head and end). Raft formation is carried out with a tractor, mobile winch and wire line. Groundsill is laid on board containers and attached to them by spans. Groundsill is laid on the head and end of raft, attached by spans. The head and end of raft are equipped with ropes, corner ridge-pole with devices for towropes attaching. All groundsills, ridge-poles are laid by tractor equipped with a boom with pulley and using winch. Succession connection of groundsills, unwound from winch, provide their laying along the raft. The proposed technologies may vary according to local conditions and categories of transport routes (rivers). The main transport unit will be rigid floating container or group of containers in the form of raft section lines and rafts.


C.V. Samsonov1, Postgraduate Student 
V.A. Barabanov1, Candidate of Engineering, Associate professor 
S.S. Gavrushin2, Doctor of Engineering, Professor


1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, 163002 Arkhangelsk, Russia; e-mail:  2Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Baumanskaya 2-ya, 5, Moscow, 105005, Russia; e-mail:


container, technology, raft, transportation, timber.


1. Surov V.Ya., Barabanov V.A., Samsonov S.V. Konteyner [Container]. Patent RF 119332, MPK B65D 88/12. 2. Surov G.Ya., Posypanov S.V., Zunin L.N. Plotovoy lesosplav [Wood Rafting]. Arkhangelsk, 2009. 159 p. 3. Fomintsev M.N., L’vov I.P., Sokolov K.B. Ploty (konstruktsiya, ekspluatatsiya, tekhnologiya) [Rafts (Construction, Use, Technology)]. Lesnaya promyshlennost’, Moscow, 1978, 216 p.

Application Technology of Rigid Floating Container for Timber Transportation


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