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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Commodity Structure of Spruce Forests Massifs of the Northern Taiga and Merchantability Classes Evaluation

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S.V. Koptev

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The marketability of large forest areas of North-taiga spruce forests is heterogeneous. This is due to forest evaluation features in the European North of Russia. Specifications of stands commodity structure valuation, designed for predictive estimation in large forests and big raw materials bases are based on the probability distribution of the number of trees of differ-ent quality categories by thickness gradations. For correct use of commodity structure stand-ards for the valuation it is necessary to know the features of the distribution of growing stock of stands and their marketability. Error in forest stand allocating to one or another class of merchantability is forbidden during taxation works. Therefore, it is important to have certain priderite and recommendations on the definition of the stand merchantability class. For the practical assessment is also needed guidance on trees attribution to one or an-other technical condition category in connection with the presence of internal defects (dis-eases) of tree trunks. As one of the most obvious and measurable characteristics for this is considered the magnitude of the rise trunk in the butt part.


S.V. Koptev, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia; e-mail:


uniformity, distribution series, commodity table, timber, size classes category of merchantability, defectiveness, technical condition category, trunk rise.


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Commodity Structure of Spruce Forests Massifs of the Northern Taiga and Merchantability Classes Evaluation


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