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Lesnoy Zhurnal

The Analysis of the Condition and Growth of Pine and Spruce Crops in the North-Taiga District

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N.R. Sungurova, R.V. Sungurov

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The effectiveness of artificial forest recovery is largely due to the complex applied silvicul-tural techniques. 23-year old forest crops of pine and spruce, laid on the fresh meadow felling area in the Arkhangelsk region have been studied. As a result of studies it has been established that the differences in survival rate of forest cultures, due to the quality of plant-ing material,are observed in their growth. On the basic valuation or biometric indicators, they are recorded as at the end of the first year of pine and spruce crop growth, and at the age of 23. Moreover, the steady rank distribution, due to the quality of planting material, is observed on all methods of tillage at all times of observations. Observations have shown that the method of tillage also influence on the growth of forest cultures. As for establishment and growth the best indicators have culture, created by microincrease of intermixed upper organic and mineral soil horizons. The formation of microincrease allows plants to with-stand adverse factors of external influence. Conducted researches allow to conclude, that for formation of high-productive forest stands desired species composition, purposely of reduc-ing cutting interval, increase the output of timber in the North-taiga region of the European part of Russia it is appropriated to establish forest crops. It is possible to achieve high results through the application of the basic silvicultural techniques - tillage and planting using qual-ity planting material. As a result, 23 years pine crops grow in II growth class and have a reserve of about 150 m3/ha and spruce crops - III growth class with a reserve of about 25 m3/ha. Subsequent work on formation of the forest stands by forest management techniques will improve the quality of cultivated plants of artificial origin.


N.R. Sungurova1, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor R.V. Sungurov2, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor, Senior Reseacher


1Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia; е-mail: 2Northern Research Institute of Forestry, Nikitova, 13, Arkhangelsk, 163062, Russia; е-mail:


forest cultures, pine, spruce, meadow felling area, productivity.


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The Analysis of the Condition and Growth of Pine and Spruce Crops in the North-Taiga District


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