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Lesnoy Zhurnal

The Forest Litter in Spruce Formation in the Northern Subzone of Taiga

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A.G. Volkov

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Analysis of forest litter, as specific horizon in biogeocenosis, is important issue in forest science. One of the main factor of its formation is ground cover that largely determines thickness, stock and density of forest litter. The studying areas are located in spruce for-mations at northern subzone of taiga in the Arkhangelsk region. Three sampling area with strongly marked ground cover gradient were selected as research objects. It was broken into the regular grid with 5 meters lag, in each centre of which sample splitting of ground litter was realized. Parcels were allocated using standard methods. The maximum thickness of forest litter was noted in blueberry-sphagnous (6.4 cm), the minimum – in grass parcel (5 cm). It is related with high intensity transformation of «soft» litterfall. High rates of de-composition of litterfall determines the maximum of stock in grass parcel – 146 t/ha. The parcel with lifeless cover, with litterfall of spruce needles, accumulate the stock of forest litter 3 times as lower as grass parcel– 52 t/ha. Density of horizons affect to formation unique forest litter’s structure for all parcels


A.G. Volkov, Assistant


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, 163002 Arkhangelsk, Russia; e-mail:


Keyword: forest litter, spruce formation, stock, thickness, composition density


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The Forest Litter in Spruce Formation in the Northern Subzone of Taiga


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