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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Features of the Root Systems Structure of Scots Pine and Their Impact on the Reforestation Quality

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V.M. Gryb

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Multilateral research and the subsequent analysis of wood structure indicators of root systems were conducted. Physico-mechanical properties of the wood of the trunk and root system are considered, the results of determining of the root system biomass are presented depending on the diameter of the tree. It has been found that industrial stocks of root wood in mature pine stands are within 10–12 % from the stocks of stem wood that is 40–50 m3 per one hectare. The ratio of root system volume to the total volume of the trunk is reducing with increasing of the average stand diameter. During the reforestation on the not uprooted felling there is a question about preparation of the silvicultural areas for the artificial stands, what is associated with min-imization of the hindrances, which are created by stumps, left after the felling. Removing of this wood during the preparation of the silvicultural areas will provide favorable conditions for the operation of machines and mechanisms and will allow to form full artificial plantations with a high overall productivity as well. The technologies of preparation of the silvicultural areas have been developed with using of the new mechanisms.


V.M. Gryb, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroyiv Oborony, 15, Kiev, 03041, Ukraine; е-mail:


root system, the structure of wood, stocks of stump wood, reforestation.


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Features of the Root Systems Structure of Scots Pine and Their Impact on the Reforestation Quality


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