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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Stock of Coarse Woody Debris in Spruce Forests of the Middle Taiga in the European North-East

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K.S. Bobkova, M.A. Kuznetsov, A.F. Osipov

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Coarse woody debris is an important component of stands formed by dead tree, dead fallen wood and stumps. Its functional role is practically not studied. Aim of study is to determine the stock of organic matter of coarse woody debris in old-aged spruce forests and secondary deciduous stand in middle taiga. Basic density of healthy and decaying wood depending on decay classes is presented for spruce, pine and birch. Physical meaning of basic density is content of dry matter in unit volume. Deadwood stocks are determined using analysis results of morphological characteristics (height, diameter, decay class) of dead tree, dead fallen wood and stumps on permanent plots. Permanent plots were laid in virgin spruce forests and secondary deciduous stand. Mass of organic matter in coarse woody debris was calculated on basis of data basic density and deadwood stocks. It is constitute 19.5 – 34.9 t/ha in spruce forests and 19 t/ha in deciduous stand. Pool of organic matter in coarse woody debris de-pends from development stage of phytocenosis. Availability in stands a lot of old-aged tress is conduce to moving of living biomass in coarse woody debris due to tree mortality. Input of different components and ratio of decay stages in coarse woody debris stocks are charac-terized. Coarse woody debris on first and second decay classes are dominates in total stocks of dead organic matter. This is explained by active overgrowth of mosses dead fallen wood later stages of decay. As a result, their occurrence is difficult to detect in the study and virtually impossible to determine the exact size.


K.S. Bobkova, Doctor of Biology, Professor, M.A. Kuznetsov, Candidate of Biology , A.F. Osipov, Candidate of Biology


Institute of Biology of the Komi Science Centre of the Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Kommunisticheskaya, 28, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, 167982, Russia; е-mail:


basic wood density, coarse woody debris, spruce forest, taiga.


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Stock of Coarse Woody Debris in Spruce Forests of the Middle Taiga in the European North-East


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