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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Productivity of the Floodplain Forests on the Sakhalin Island

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A.А. Smirnov, А.P. Dobrynin

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The floodplain forests of Sakhalin are a unique natural phenomenon occupying the territory of approximately 80 thousand ha. They are stretching in narrow stripes along the island rivers experiencing freshets from time to time due to the monsoon climate of this region. Freshets provide an inflow of a large quantity of organic and mineral matter, which results in quite rich soils and highly productive tree stands up to 700 m3/ha. The volume of some trees exceeds 25 m3. The geobotanical and silvicultural research conducted in Sakhalin’s flood-plain forests (Belaya and Pilenga Rivers) allowed us to analyze the current state and productivity of the forests comprised of Populus, Chosenia, Alnus, Padus, Ulmus, Crataegus and Salix under conditions of the modern anthropogenic influence. The paper presents reforestation data: the number of undergrowth ranges from 0.4 to 4.2 thousand plants per ha, the large (>1.5 m) and medium (0.5–1.5 m) undergrowth of elm, alder and bird-cherry tree being predominant. Over a long period of time, Sakhalin’s flood plain forests experienced anthropogenic influence (livestock grazing, recreation, pebble extraction, etc.). However, such forests have an important water-protective role and ensure fish resources of spawning streams. Thus, they must become an object of protection.


1A.А. Smirnov, Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor; 2А.P. Dobrynin, Doctor of Biology, Professor

1 Sakhalin State University, Lenina, 290, 693000 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia, E-mail: 
2 Cherepovets State University, Lunacharskogo, 5, 162600 Cherepovets, Russia, E-mail:


1Sakhalin State University, 2Cherepovets State University


floodplain forests, stand, undergrowth, reforestation, inventory, productivity, underwood, grass cover.


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Productivity of the Floodplain Forests on the Sakhalin Island


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