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Lesnoy Zhurnal

Experimental and Theoretical Modeling of Power Consumption in Fiberboard Production

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N.G. Chistova,

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To reduce power consumption of grinding machines and determine the optimal operating mode in fiberboard production is an issue of great importance. The paper aimed to study specific energy consumption to achieve the required degree of grinding of wood fiber semi-products at given design and process parameters of grinding mills. The studies were conducted on industrial units of the fiberboard plant at the timber industry complex in Lesosibirsk. The experimental research results were processed using the methods developed for mathematical models in order to describe the object of research (specific energy consumption) and find optimal operating conditions for the system under study. We obtained a statistical-mathematical description of the relationship between the grinding degree factors, technological and structural parameters of grinding mills and the specific energy consumption for grinding. We found that the degree of fiber grinding, quality characteristics of boards and power consumption for grinding depend on the same factors and correlate with each other. Based on the data obtained, one can choose the grinding parameters ensuring the best physical and mechanical properties of the board while keeping power consumption for grinding at the lowest possible level both for the wet and dry methods of fiberboard production.


N.G. Chistova, Doctor of Engineering, Professor

The Ural State Forest Engineering University
Pobedy, 29, 662546, Lesosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia


Lesosibirsk Branch of Siberian State Technological University


power, optimization, criteria, grinding degree, wood fiber mass, refiner, defibrator.


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Experimental and Theoretical Modeling of Power Consumption in Fiberboard Production


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