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    №1     №2     №3     №4


Vitalij A. Kalyashov, Vladimir Ya. Shapiro, Igor’ V. Grigor’ev, Ol’ga A. Kunitskaya, Il’ya S. Dolzhikov, Varvara P. Druz’yanova

The Formation of a Track by the Propulsion of a Forestry Machine on the Slope of the Thawing Soil in the Permafrost Zone, Taking into Account the Effect of Solifluction. C. 140-152

Konstantin P. Rukomojnikov, Tat’yana V. Sergeeva, Tat’yana A. Gilyazova, Evgeniy М. Tsarev, Pavel N. Anisimov 

The Influence of the Stand Composition on the Cycle Time of the Harvester. C. 153-165

Shakur G. Zaripov, Yulia S. Puntusova

Environmental Features of Convective Lumber Drying. C. 166-174

Leonid D. Bukhtoyarov, Sergey V. Malyukov, Mikhail N. Lysych, Maksim A. Gnusov

The Simulation Model of a Disk Tree-Planting Machine. P. 119–133

Konstantin V. Ladeyshchikov, Sergey A. Chudinov

The Peculiarities of the Operation of Logging Roads in the Spring-Winter Period. P. 134–146


S.L. Shevelev, S.V. Usov, L.I. Romanova

Assessment of the Sequestration Potential of the Aspen-Birch Stands in the Insular Forest-Steppes of Central Siberia. C. 9-22

A.L. Fedorkov

Forest Tree Breeding and Genetic Diversity of Wood Species. C. 23-32

D.A. Semenyakin, I.V. Tikhonova

The Use of Multivariate Data Analysis in Assessing the State of Advance and After-Regeneration of Pine Forests after Selective Felling. C. 33-51

A.S. Ilintsev, E.M. Romanov, V.V. Voronin, A.P. Bogdanov

Modern Practice of Artificial Reforestation in the Taiga Zone of the European Part of Russia. 52-64

M.I. Sedaeva, A.K. Ekart, A.N. Kravchenko

Reproductive Indicators of Nasczokin’s Lime (Tilia nasczokinii Stepanov). C. 65-76

N.R. Sungurova, O.P. Lebedeva, S.R. Strazdauskene

Adaptive Capacity of Species of the Genus Spiraea L. in the Conditions of the Dendrological Garden Named after I.M. Stratonovich. C. 77-90

M.Z. Mollaeva, F.A. Tembotova

Morphological Variability of the Assimilation Apparatus of Pinus sylvestris L. within the Teberda National Biosphere Reserve. C. 91-100

G.G. Terekhov, E.M. Andreeva, S.K. Stetsenko

Cultivating Siberian Stone Pine Plantations under Wild Animal Damage Conditions. C. 101-113

E.V. Boldanova

Dew Point as a Basis for the Operational Indicator of Forest Fire Danger. C. 114-125

Aleksandr S. Alekseev, Dmitriy M. Chernikhovskiy

Identification of Damage to Coniferous Stands Based on Comprehensive Analysis of the Results of Remote Sensing of the Earth and Ground Surveys. P. 11–28

Natal’ya N. Besschetnova, Vladimir P. Besschetnov, Robert N. Khramov, Nikolai A. Babich, Vladimir I. Melekhov

The Use of Synthetic Shelters with Integrated Photoluminescent Phosphors for Greenhouse Structures in Rooting the Northern White-Cedar Cuttings. P. 29–48

Irina I. KamalovaƗ, Мarta Yu. Peturenko, Аlina P. Degtyareva, Nina F. Kuznetsova, Natal’ya I. Vnukova

The Genetic Structure Features of the Pinus sylvestris L. Population in the Steppe Zone of European Russia. P. 49–64

Аleksey А. Karaban, Vladimir А. Usol’tsev, Sergey V. Tret’yakov, Sergey V. Koptev, Аndrey А. Paramonov, Il’ya V. Tsvetkov

Age Dynamics of Gray Alder Biomass in the Stands of the Arkhangelsk Region. P. 65–75

Natal’ya V. Laur, Anatoliy P. Tsarev, Vadim A. Tsarev, Raisa P. Tsareva

The Archives of Clones of Scots Pine Plus Trees in the Republic of Karelia. P. 76–89

Andrey B. Lysikov, Petr G. Melnik, Mikhail D. Merzlenko, Aleksandr V. Kolesnikov

The Changes in Sod-Podzolic Soil in European Larch Forest Plantations over a Long Period. P. 90–104

Aleksey Е. Osipenko, Sergey V. Zalesov

Formation of Tree Morphology in Cultivated Pine Stands. P. 105–117

Jiří Kadlec, Kateřina Novosadová, Dagmar Palovčíková, Martin Kománek, Radek Pokorný 

First Experience of Paulownia Bellissia® Cultivation in an Agroforestry System in the Czech Republic. C. 9-22

Anatoliy A. Deryugin, Natal’ya A. Rybakova, Yurij B. Glazunov

The Model of Birch-Spruce Plantations Formation in the Conditions of the Russian Plain Southern Taiga. C. 23-45

Denis E. Rumyantsev, Nataliya S. Vorob’yeva

Dendroecological Research into Aspen Growth in the Conditions of the Moscow Region. C. 46-64

Aleksey S. Chekanyshkin

Growth and Condition of the English Oak in the Mixed Stands of Forest Shelterbelts. C. 65-72

Natal’ya V. Tarasov, Natal’ya V. Gerling 

Needle-Like Leaf Organs of Conifers. Part I. Modeling the Needle Cross-Section Perimeter. C. 73-91

Ekaterina A. Kapitsa, Mariya A. Shorokhova, Elizaveta V. Morgun, Aleksandr A. Korepin, Ekaterina V. Shorokhova

Coarse Woody Debris in Primary and Secondary Middle Taiga Spruce Forests. C. 92-106

Svetlana N. Sen’kina

Water Exchange in Coniferous Phytocenoses under the Influence of Climate Change. C. 107-117

Pavel A. Feklistov, Olga N. Tyukavina, Nataliya R. Sungurova, Sergey S. Makarov, Ivan N. Bolotov, Sergey N. Tarkhanov

Peculiarities of the Accumulation of Mineral Elements and Nitrogen in the Assimilation Apparatus of Scots Pine. C. 118-129

Valida M. Mamedaliyeva, Gunel S. Heydarzade

The Influence of Aerosols on Forest Vegetation Cover in the South-West of Azerbaijan. C. 130-139

Vladimir F. Konovalov, Aigul A. Gabitova, Aydar К. Gabdelkhakov, Dina A. Rafikova, El’vira R. Khanova

Phenotypic Assessment of Clones of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Plus Trees in the Forest-Steppe Zone of the Bashkir Cis-Urals. P. 9–25

Nikolai V. Vyvodtsev

The Resource Potential of the Amur Cork Tree in the Priamur-Primorskiy Coniferous-Broadleaved Area. P. 26–36

Ekaterina B. Dyomina, Vera A. Savchenkova

The Content of Heavy Metals in Soils and Leaves of Silver Birch Plantations (Moscow). P. 37–48

Natalya S. Ivanova, Valery V. Fomin, Sergey V. Zalesov, Anna P. Mikhailovich

Comparative Analysis of the Ecological-Floristic Classification and the Russian Forest Typologies. P. 49–67

Vladimir P. Koba, Igor’ A. Krest’yanishin, Olesya O. Koren’kova

Seed Production and Seed Quality of Pinus sylvestris L. in Forest Plantations on the Crimean Yaylas. P. 68–80

Valentin M. Lebedev, Evgenij V. Lebedev

Photosynthesis, Mineral Nutrition and Productivity of Decidious and Coniferous Dendroflora Species in the Central Part of the Russian Plain. P. 81–91

Vladislava B. Pridacha, Alexey N. Pekkoev, Yana A. Neronova

Features of the Growth and Structure of Pine Wood in the Felling Area and Under the Canopy of a Tree Stand in the Conditions of the Republic of Karelia. P. 92–105

Andrey V. Ostroukhov

The Use of Spatial Analysis Methods in Assessing the Degree of Fire Frequency in Forests of the Khabarovsk Territory. P. 106–118

Technology of Wood Chemical Processing and Production of Wood-Polymer Composites

S.V. Aniskin, V.S. Kurov

Recovery and Purification of Gas Emissions from Pulp Production. C. 182-194

A.V. Safina, D.F. Ziatdinova, L.R. Nazipova, R.G. Safin, K.V. Valeev

The Engineering Procedure for Calculating the Plant for Betulin Extraction from Birch Bark. C. 195-207

Larisa V. Yurtayeva, Yuriy D. Alashkevich, Elena A. Slizikova, Evgeniy V. Kaplyov, Snezhana A. Pozharkova

The Effect of the Knife Tacking Type on the Process of Producing Microcrystalline Cellulose. P. 152–165

Dmytriy V. Tarabukin, Elena N. Patova, Irina V. Novakovskaya

The Prospects for Advanced Processing of Paper Sludge Using Enzymes, Microalgae and Yeast. P. 166–177

Yuriy G. Khabarov, Viacheslav A. Veshnyakov, Vadim A. Plakhin, Evgeniy A. Skripnikov, Denis V. Ovchinnikov

Nitrosation of Lignosulfonates under Solid-Phase Catalysis Conditions. C. 175-187

Firdaves Kh. Khakimova, Ol’ga А. Noskova, Roman R. Khakimov, Ilyа I. Fonarev 

Integrated Recycling of Lignin-Containing Wood Waste. C. 188-202

Anatoliy А. Prokopiev, Nour R. Galyavetdinov, Ruslan R. Safin

Performance Characteristics of Wood-Polymer Composites Based on Acetylated Wood Filler. P. 147–158

Nikolay P. Midukov, Nikolay V. Evdokimov, Victor S. Kurov, Valerii V. Korshunov

Specific Energy Costs of Grinding Wood when Preparing a Composite for 3D-Printing. P. 159–176


A.A. Kaptelkin, N.V. Kulikova, S.N. Rykunin

Increasing Sawn Timber Yield in Cant Sawing. C. 152-167

V.A. Martynov, M.S. Lisyatnikov, A.V. Lukina, S.I. Roshchina

The Use of Thermally Damaged Wood in Laminated Wood Beam Structures. C. 168-181

Vladimir N. Ermolin, Mikhail A. Bayandin, Alexey V. Namyatov, Nikolay V. Smertin

Wood-Composite Boards with a Low Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion. P. 142–151


I.V. Petukhov, K.O. Ivanov, D.M. Vorozhtsov, A.A. Rozhentsov, N.I. Rozhentsova, L.A. Steshina

Segmentation of Overlapping Tree Images in the Digital Photographs of Forest Areas. C. 126-140

S.V. Posypanov, K.V. Kozlov

Theoretical Justification of the Holding Power of a Mobile Anchor for Holding Timber-Rafting Objects. C. 141-151

Sergey A. Chudinov

Fiber Cement Soil in the Construction of Pavements for Logging Roads. P. 118–127

Vadim O. Nikonov, Valeryi I. Posmetyev, Andrey Yu. Manukovskii, Viktor V. Posmetyev, Igor V. Sizmin

Optimization of the Design Parameters of the Regenerative Rod of a Logging Road Train. P. 128–141


Oksana A. Goncharova, Olesya E. Zotova

Pinus sibirica Du Tour in the Conditions of Introduction by the Example of the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute. P. 178–188

Dmitriy V. Belyakov, Oleg A. Konyushatov, Sergey A. Korchagov, Sergey E. Gribov

The Conservation of Plant Species Diversity in Forest Management in the Key Biotopes of the Vologda Region. P. 189–200

Vasiliy Yu. Chernov, Il’shat G. Gaisin, Anzhelika N. Nosova, Elena M. Maltseva

Water Absorption of Thermally Modified Wood Filler of Thermal Wood-Cement Composition. P. 201–215

Vladimir G. Storozhenko

Structural Features of the Indigenous Pine Forests of the Northern and Middle Taiga under Pyrogenic Influences. C. 203-214

Vahid Moazami, Abbas Yari Esbouei, Hamid Hatefnia

Surface Treatment of Fiberboard Wood Pulp Mat with Dispersed Water (by the Example of Arian Sina MDF Company). P. 177–184

Nikolay V. Primakov, Vadim V. Tanyukevich

Forestry Measures in Shelterbelts of the Krasnodar Territory. P. 185–192

Mikhail A. Zyryanov, Sergey O. Medvedev, Aleksandr P. Mokhirev

Increasing the Resource Potential of Wood Raw Materials. P. 193–201


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