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Technology and Structural Configuration of a Tractor Unit for Forest Strip Planting in Desertified Territories

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S.N. Orlovskiy

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The existing technologies of forest planting and irrigation in arid regions in Russia do not provide satisfactory seedling survival ability. Surface dripping watering of forest plantations in forest strips is usually conducted by means of a hose from a container with water. Water consumption per plant is 20...30 liters, 90 % of which are dispersed in soil or evaporate. The goal of research is to substantiate the structural and geometric parameters, operation modes of a disco-milling operating device of a unit for simultaneous laying of forest planting trenches and a garden hose and planting sites mapping, as well as a layout diagram of a tractor unit, regimes of mineral soil cutting, structural and geometric parameters of operative parts. The research method includes optimization of the unit parameters and its operating device by calculating the power expenditure for each technological process stage. The research results are specific values of the cutting edge angles and tool setting of a side mill, cutting and traversing speed, power balance and unit capacity. The scope is the forest strips planting in desertified territories suffering from water deficit to irrigate forest plantations during the first 5-6 years after planting. The obtained results enable us to substantiate the structural configuration of a tractor unit with a working member in the form of a side milling cutter and a hose chain, to determine the structural and geometric dimensions of the working element, as well as the power expenditure for the stages of the technological process. This will increase labor productivity, reduce soil disturbance and the costs of forest strips planting.


S.N. Orlovskiy, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor


Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, pr. Mira, 90, Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation; e-mail:


subsurface irrigation, technology of planting and watering of seedlings, hose laying, unit arrangement and configuration

For citation

Orlovskiy S.N. Technology and Structural Configuration of a Tractor Unit for Forest Strip Planting in Desertified Territories. Lesnoy zhurnal [Forestry journal], 2017, no. 6, pp. 65–75. DOI: 10.17238/issn0536-1036.2017.6.65


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Received on May 02, 2017

Technology and Structural Configuration of a Tractor Unit for Forest Strip Planting in Desertified Territories


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