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Unmanned Airborne Vehicles in the Forestry Sector of Russia

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O.V. Skudneva

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For effective forest management it is need to quickly obtain current information on the condition of forests affected by natural factors - forest fires, damages by pests, and also subjected to destruction «black lumberjacks». Also it is need to systematically implement forests valuation. In due time this work was carried planning with the use of available facilities, including small aviation and partly space monitoring. On objective reasons the outgoing system, spent many years of experience, was broken, which led to catastrophic consequences.The reconstruction of a modern monitoring service is vital to forestry, but it is constrained by the absence of the aeroplanes, specially trained pilots and other. The question has been considered about the possible use of unmanned airborne vehicles in forestry. The article shows the real possibility of effective monitoring of forestry with the use of unmanned airborne vehicles. Technical capabilities of unmanned airborne vehicles and conditions of their operation have been characterized, the high reliability of the devices and orientation accuracy, using the navigation tools and systems, have been marked. It has been noted that the domestic industry and science has a sufficient base for the creation of unmanned airborne vehicles for any purpose forestry.


O.V. Skudneva, Senior Lecturer


Bauman Moscow State Technical University ::: , 2-Baumanskaya, 5, Moscow, 105005, Russia; е-mail:


forest fires, monitoring, forestry, unmanned airborne vehicles.


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Unmanned Airborne Vehicles in the Forestry Sector of Russia


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