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The Search of New Resin Exudation Stimulators of Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

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V.V. Petrik, E.D. Gelfand, N.O. Pastukhova, A.I. Gorkin

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Resin exudation intensification and the amount of obtained galipot are dependent from use of different stimulators. Stimulators in terms of solutions are the most effective. The article describes the current and relevant for today problem with developing of methods to improve resin productivity of pine plantations as Pinus sylvestris L. which is a leader in forestry and its role in the development of the forest grow back great. The results of experiments on the use of certain types of basidium fungi (class Basidiomycetes) as a stimulator of resin productivity by tapping are presented. The detailed analysis of used stimulators is given, as well as methods of storing, preparing are pointed, and the optimal concentration of working solutions is determined. Several options of making preparations of the studied species of basidium fungi with a full description of methodological and technological work were discussed in detail. According to the research it has been found that with the use of stimulators, based on basidium fungi, galipot going out is increased on average by 43 %, indicating a high efficiency of working solutions studied stimulators. The findings suggest the need for further study and development of recommendations for the use of studied stimulators in industrial standards.


V.V. Petrik, Doctor of Agriculture, Professor, E.D. Gelfand, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, N.O. Pastukhova, Postgraduate Student, A.I. Gorkin, Candidate of Agriculture, Senior Lecturer


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov ::: Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, 163002, Arkhangelsk, Russia; е-mail:,


Keywords: resin exudation,  stimulators,  basidium fungi


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The Search of New Resin Exudation Stimulators of Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)


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