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Experimental Base for Determination Form of the Sealing Gutter Aerostatic Bearing

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Derbin M.V., V.M., Candidate

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Links to theoretical research aerostatic bearings and the method of their calculation for choosing options aerostatic directing are provided. The calculation is made by a numerical method, based on approximation of field pressure in the gap differential algebraic equations, taking into account the two-dimensionality of the grease flow in the bearings of various configuration and giving results close to the actual. With the adopted assumptions, providing the simplification of calculations, not taken into account deviations of the lines flow from the direction perpendicular to micro gutter, with increasing the gap and reducing cross-section of  micro gutter; air motion in the groove is assumed laminar; inertial forces in the grease flow are not considered. The scheme of the aerostatic bearing with the given parameters, which are the width and length, is shown. The bearing section includes a closed rectangular micro gutter, by the middle of longitudinal sides of which blowing holes are made. Separate aerostatic bearing is partitioned by array. Using special mathematical package for calculation of aerostatic bearings a program is developed. In experimental studies to evaluate the impact of the sealing gutters on the carrying capacity of aerostatic bearings was taken aerostatic bearing with the given parameters. The scheme of working surface aerostatic bearings with sealing gutter and the general appearance of the stand for investigation of aerostatic bearings are shown. Circuit description of the pneumatic system of experimental setup is given, it includes a compressor, the air-conducting magistral, consisting of rubber pressure hoses, the filter- moisture separator for removal mechanical impurities and moisture from the compressed air, the needle pneumatic valve to adjust air pressure, integral in rotameter, and the absolute manometer. For experimental studies the electronic rotameter is used, which has a number of advantages over the rotameter with a glass pipe. The description of widget and principle of the stand work for investigation of flat aerostatic bearings is shown. In experimental studies 4 profile of grooves is examined. The findings of experimental studies of the lifting plates height for gutters with different profile are given. It has been stated under the same conditions, the maximum height of lifting plates achieves for aerostatic bearings with teardrop-shaped profile that corresponds to the greatest ascensional force of aerostatic bearings.


Derbin M.V., Candidate of Engineering, Teaching Assistant Derbin V.M., Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Naberezhnaya Severnoy Dviny, 17, Arkhangelsk, 163002, Russia


Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov


gas film, aerostatic bearings, sealing gutter, lifting power.


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Experimental Base for Determination Form of the Sealing Gutter Aerostatic Bearing


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