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The Role of Tree Waste in the Litter Layer Formation in Cutting Areas of Middle Taiga Spruce Forests

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N.V. Likhanova

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The paper studied the degradation of plant residues in 4–6-year-old cutting areas after clear-cutting of middle taiga spruce forests. The dynamics of tree waste fall and decomposition was established. The mineralization of plant residues of the O horizon was evaluated. The density of litter layer in the cutting areas of blueberry and polytric-sphagnum spruce forests was identified. Weight of organic matter, entering the soil with tree waste, in the cutting area of blueberry spruce forest is 3115 kg/ha, polytric-sphagnum – 3608 kg/ha, 55–60 % of which is litter from aboveground organs. The bulk of the tree waste (89 %) is formed by the ground cover plants – moss and grass. The rate of decomposition in descending order is as follows: birch leaves ? cowberry leaves ? pine needles ? spruce needles ? moss ? branches ? bark. The most active decomposition is observed in birch leaves, their C/N (carbon/nitrogen) ratio being 35–38. In spruce and pine needles, this value ranges from 38 to 43, in branches of woody plants – from 48 to 60, and in bark – from 105 to 142. The most active litter layer decomposition is observed in the subhorizon consisting of leaves: in the cutting area of blueberry spruce forest it is 17.3 % per year and in that of polytric-sphagnum spruce forest – 15.4 %. In the enzymatic subhorizon there are decomposed 10.4 and 9.3 % of organic matter of plant residues per year, respectively. In the humus subhorizon, decomposition of plant residues is rather slow (about 7 %). The low rate of plant residues decomposition in the cutting area of blueberry spruce forest facilitates the formation of a rather thick litter layer (12.0 cm), with a total density of organic matter 47.5 t/ha and capacity of 18.7 cm, the density in the cutting area of polytric-sphagnum spruce forest being 63.9 t/ha.


N.V. Likhanova, Leading Chemical Engineer, PhD Candidate

Institute of Biology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kommunisticheskaya, 28, Syktyvkar, 167982, Russia


Institute of Biology, Komi Science Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


middle taiga, spruce forest, tree waste, decomposition, cutting, litter layer.


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The Role of Tree Waste in the Litter Layer Formation in Cutting Areas of Middle Taiga Spruce Forests


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