Почтовый адрес: САФУ, Редакция «Лесной журнал», наб. Северной Двины, 17, г. Архангельск, Россия, 163002, ауд. 1425
Тел.: 8(8182) 21-61-18 архив |
Е.В. Горяева, А.П. Мохирев Рубрика: Лесное хозяйство Скачать статью (pdf, 1MB )УДК630*232DOI:10.17238/issn0536-1036.2015.2.80АннотацияСовременные информационные технологии значительно расширяют возможности использования информационных ресурсов в различных отраслях промышленности,
Сведения об авторах© Е.В. Горяева, канд. с.-х. наук, доц. А.П. Мохирев, канд. техн. наук, доц. Лесосибирский филиал Сибирского государственного технологического университета,
Ключевые словагородские леса, ГИС-технологии, дендроплан, инвентаризация лесовЛитература1. Блохин Д.Ю. Гис-технологии в лесном хозяйстве и лесной промышленности // VII Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. «Лес-2006». Режим доступа: http://science-bsea.bgita.ru/. 2. Лесной кодекс РФ. Принят ГД ФС РФ 08.11.2006 г. М.: Проспект, КноРус, 2010. 48 с. 3. Мохирев А.П., Горяева Е.В., Дрягин В.В. Проблемы внедрения информационных систем в управление лесопользованием // Актуальные проблемы лесного комплекса: сб. науч. тр. по итогам междунар. науч.-техн. конф. Вып. 33. Брянск: БГИТА, 2012. С. 22–25. 4. Мохирев А.П., Дрягин В.В. Экономическая оценка лесосеки с помощью ГИС // Экономика и эффективность организации производства: сб. науч. тр. по итогам междунар. науч.-техн. конф. 2011 г. Брянск: БГИТА, 2011. С. 42–45. 5. Мохирев А.П., Егармин П.А. Географическая информационная система планирования оптимального освоения лесного фонда // Системы. Методы. Технологии. 2011. № 12. С. 172–176. 6. Об утверждении порядка сноса зеленых насаждений на территории г. Красноярска (вместе с «Методикой определения восстановительной стоимости зеленых насаждений в случае их вынужденного сноса или повреждения»): постановление администрации г. Красноярска от 21.06.2006 № 535 (ред. от 27.04.2007). 7. Об утверждении методики оценки стоимости зеленых насаждений и исчисления размера ущерба и убытков, вызываемых их повреждением и (или) уничтожением на территории Москвы: постановления правительства Москвы от 08.04.2003 № 228-ПП и от 29.07.2003 № 616-ПП.
Поступила 11.03.14 Ссылка на английскую версию:Inventory of Green Planting Using Geographic Information Systems Technology by the Example of LesosibirskUDC 630*232
Inventory of Green Planting Using Geographic Information Systems Technology
E.V. Goryaeva, Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor A.P. Mokhirev, Candidate of Engineering, Associate Professor Lesosibirsky Branch of the Siberian State Technological University, Pobedy, 29, Lesosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk territory, 662543, Russia; е-mail: gor-elka@yandex.ru, ale-mokhirev@yandex.ru
Modern information technologies greatly expand the use of information resources in various industries, including forestry. Development of information technologies is directed at a variety of activities workflow, planning and accounting, communication, management and production technology, and others. One of the most promising are geographic information systems. Currently geographic information systems, used in forestry and forest management, are demanded and they develop intensively. Particularly successful they can be used to automate changes in forest inventory materials and optimizing the management of the forest fund as a whole. In Lesosibirsk branch of Siberian State Technological University on the results of research a technique of an electronic inventory and planting crops on the basis of geographic information systems are developed. The method was tested on the green areas of Lesosibirsk in Krasnoyarsk territory and can be used in other areas. During the examination of green planting woody plant species, condition, degree of danger to residents are defined, height and diameter of trees are measured. Valuation of planting is made by continuous tally of trees. Some of these transactions are conducted by electronically dendrometer. Each tree (group of trees) is assigned an identification number under which the woody plant is listed in the statements and dendroplan. Simultaneously with the valuation field contours of inspected areas are composed with drawing on them the location of the examined trees, and their compensatory cost is determined. Compensatory cost depends on the breed, the size of the tree, its socio-ecological significance, location and condition. Compensatory cost of planting is calculated as separately growing woody vegetation, by multiplication the number of trees of each breed on compensatory cost of one tree of this breed. The results are entered into the electronic inventory. In the process of approbation of techniques was formed inventory of wood and shrub vegetation and electronic dendroplan. For each tree they reflect the following: inventory number, height, diameter, condition and mark or recommendation on the need for maintenance or other activities, compensatory cost. Electronic dendroplan provides simplicity and efficiency. Based on the results has been determined the species composition of plants of the city, have been revealed dangerous, sick, old and other trees, losted their ecological and sanitary-hygienic efficiency. Recommendations on the improvement of green areas of Lesosibirsk have been given. Technique can be used for accounting, inventory and management of urban green planting in other urban areas. Keywords: amenity forests, geographic information systems technology, dendroplan, forest inventory. REFERENCES 1. Blokhin D. Yu. Gis-tekhnologii v lesnom khozyaystve i lesnoy promyshlennosti [Gis-Technologies in Forestry and Forest Industry]. "Les-2006" VII Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-tehnicheskaja konferencija ["Forest-2006". Proc. VII Int. Sci.Tech. Conf.]. Available at:http://science-bsea.bgita.ru/ 2. Forest Code of Russian Federation: Federal Law of 08.11.2006 (in Russian). 3. Mokhirev A.P., Goryaeva E.V., Dryagin V.V. Problemy vnedreniya informatsionnykh sistem v upravlenie lesopol'zovaniem [Problems of Introduction of Information Systems in Forest Management]. Aktual'nye problemy lesnogo kompleksa. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov po itogam mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii [Topical Problems of Forest Complex. Collected Papers of Proc.of Int. Sci.Tech.Conf.]. Bryansk, 2012, vol. 33,
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