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Examples of the internal stand structures (A-diversity) old growth forest in the Yula river basin — Arkhangelsk region

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Ole Jakob Sørensen, Toralf Bjelkåsen, Sergey V. Ivantsov

Рубрика: Лесное хозяйство

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Рассмотрены результаты анализа структуры старовозрастных древостоев в бассейне р. Юла на основе закладки трансект с подробным картированием размещения деревьев. Отмечено наличие большого биоразнообразия. Предложено использовать подобный инструмент для экологически-базированного модельного леса.

Сведения об авторах

Ole Jakob Sørensen. Associate professor in forest ecology. Born 1951.
Ole Jakob Sørensen had his education from the Univ. of Oslo (Bachelor) and a Master degree in Terrestrial Ecology from Univ. of Trondheim in1978. His master work was on winter habitat of grouse birds. Since 1990 he has worked as associate professor in forest ecology at Nord-Trondelag Univ. College, were he has handled a student exchange program, where Russian forestry students has been give possibility to graduate as bachelors in forestry or nature management in Norway. His specialties are concentrated on forest birds, mammals and fungi’s habitat adaptation in boreal forests and biodiversity management of forests.
E-mail: ole.j.sorensen@hint.no

Toralf Bjelkåsen. Dr. Scient. Professor in silviculture. Born 1940.
Toralf Bjelkåsen had his education at the Norwegian University of Agriculture where he received his degree in forestry in 1975. Here he continued his study, now focusing on the use of aerial photographs in forest mensuration. He developed a stand volume table for measurements on aerial photographs, and received his Dr. Scient. in Forest Mensuration in1976.
From 1975 to 1993 he was a forest officer in the National Forest Service where he specialized on forest ecology, silviculture and forest regeneration. He has been Professor of Silviculture at the Nord - Trøndelag University College from 1993 until he became a pensioner in 2005. Here he was teaching forestry, forest ecology and landscape ecology.
E-mail: toralf.bjelkasen@ntebb.no

Sergey V. Ivantsov. Born 1973.
Deputy administrator of the Local Body of the Agenct for Forest and Hunting Sector in the Arkhangelsk Region, Karpogory Forestry.
E-mail: Iwantsov.s@yandex.ru

Ключевые слова

sustainable forestry, timber utilization, intact landscapes, managed forest, natural forest, impact, ecotypes, biodiversity, ecological forestry, transects, ά-diversity, succession stages, gap dynamics


1. Huse S. Strukturformen von Urwaldbestandänden in Övre Pasvik // Scientific Reports from The Agriculture College of Norway. 44 (no 31). P. 1–81.
2. Ivantsov S., Bjelkåsen T., Sørensen O. J. Structures in old growth forest stands in the Yula River basin. TemaNord 2009:523: 67–75.
3. Rolstad J. Managing forests for faunal diversity: a landscape ecological perspective // Fauna. 44. P. 5–10.
4. Solheim R. Conifer forest ecology and zoological conservation – the adaptations and habitat requirements of insects, birds and mammals in a dynamic ecosystem. Økoforsk Utredning 1987. 8. P. 1–117.
5. Seumour R. S., Hunter jr. M. L. Principles of ecological forestry. In: Hunter jr. (Ed.) // Maintaining Biodiversity in Forest Ecosytsems. Cambridge Univ. Press. P. 22–61.
6. United Nations. Convention on Biological Diversity. The Rio-Convention. 1992. 28 p.
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The article present the results of the structure analysis of old-growth stands in the Yula river basin using “transect” with detailed mapping of the trees’ location. Rich biodiversity has been observed. Using a similar tool for ecologically-based model forests is suggested.

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