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Comparative typology about salmon angling as an attraction and interest in salmon rivers of Finnish Lapland and Kola Peninsula

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J. Soppela.

Рубрика: Краткие сообщения и обмен опытом

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The article examines the attractiveness of sport fishing salmon in the rivers of Finnish Lapland and the Kola Peninsula and the classification of such an exercise enthusiasts. To implement the research was gathered extensive experimental material — 1260 biographical form, describing the highlights of sport fishing experience. In processing the data factor analysis was used, where the main factors were considered anglers classification, based on their level of expertise, the success of fishing, fishing destination. Total 13 complex variables were generated and analyzed. The study was conducted on the previously proposed classification anglers (Hobson Bryan, 1977), specializing in trout. The study to 6 groups were added two more. The basic motivation cases such an expensive type of fishing have been found. Results of the study may be useful in forming a new toolkit for organizers of tourist business, in particular sport fishing, as well as specialists of forestry and hunting in terms of methodological approach, the development and validation of the various classifications using multivariate statistical analysis methods.

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Ключевые слова

catching salmon, fishermen, forestry, hunting

Jussi Soppela, Master of Agriculture and Forestry
University of Applied sciences (Rovaniemi), Jokiväylä, 13, Rovaniemi, Finland, 96300
E-mail: jussi.soppela@biomet.com

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